Don't Live a Leftover Life
After a big family meal there are always plenty of leftovers which are wonderful for the next day. All these delicious foods keep you from having to cook for a day or two. BUT a life that is left over from all the emotions, pain, worry of the past is not something that we enjoy. Although we don't li... Readmore
The One Magical Concept That Will Allow You To Join The Ranks Of The Wealthiest People In The World
Have you ever thought about what separates the wealthy people of the world from those who do not achieve much wealth? Is it just luck or the unfairness of the world? In this article, I am going to give you one powerful principle that sets the wealthy apart. If you want to join the ranks of the wealt... Readmore
The Clearing and 2017
I just did something that made me feel like a brand new man... uh no, not that!But close.Yep, this little "clearing exercise" really did the trick.Confession time. You see...I'm a bona fide pack rat.There. I said it! Truth be told, I'm kinda proud of it. But as my Pop used to say, "there's a time an... Readmore
Being Grateful and Remembering That Life Goes By in a Flash of Light
As a year begins we all hear the usual talk of New Year's Resolutions, the desire to make improvements in one's life, all of which is perfectly fine of course. If you are genuinely unhappy with a certain aspect (or aspects) of your life, then by all means it's appropriate to take steps to make chang... Readmore
4 Compelling Tips That Will Allow You To Become 10 Times More Productive Than Your Competition
Do you want to learn the secrets of the most productive people in the business world? Well, it's not really much of a secret. It is pretty much common sense, but in this powerful article I am going to give you 4 important tips to become more successful in your business. By increasing your efficiency... Readmore
The Art Of Maximum Efficiency (Producing Quantum Growth Through The Power Of Self Discipline)
Having a successful business is no easy task, for if it was, everyone would be doing it. After all, who doesn't like the freedom that being an entrepreneur offers? In this post, I am going to give you 4 tips that will allow you to become more productive and efficient as you work on building your bus... Readmore
The Past Lives of Celebrities
Most people don't realize that you can't have karma without reincarnation, and the theory of reincarnation dictates you are the sum total of all your prior existences.Even though you don't consciously remember, all your actions in past lives, negative and positive, created the challenges and rewards... Readmore
How Do Quality Leaders CONTROL A Potential Crisis?
Some individuals in positions of leadership, appear to consistently be moving from one perceived crisis to another! Whether these are as urgent as they perceive is often doubtful, but, nevertheless, merely perceiving things, as such, often becomes debilitating to effectively leading. On the other ha... Readmore
The Quest For The REMARKABLE Leader
Perhaps because I've dedicated four decades to identifying, qualifying, training and consulting, to well over a thousand actual and/ or potential leaders, I have often pondered why so few, become truly effective and meaningful leaders. Even many who I thought had amazing potential, rarely lived up t... Readmore
What Can We Control in Life?
In life we can only control certain things that relate to us personally. Most people work hard at doing their best to control other people and circumstances, which of course is impossible. Managing our everyday life and experiences can be a full time job in itself.We tend to have complications at ti... Readmore