This dream is real?

The attentive look he gave me. The words of advice he made. His motivation and support in guiding me. It was the grasp of his hand that led me to see the vast world and protected me from danger. The sweat of the hard work he did for my sake. The affection he gives, which forever will be irreplaceable. Now it leaves only the remnants of bitter memories and events that I never thought of before.

"Papa...? This is not possible, right?" I said unconsciously that began to shed tears
"Mama, this is impossible, right. Papa has..."
"Kevin, papa is gone." Mama said with her
sobs There I began to realize that my fears as a child became real.

"Kevin, let's wake up baby it's already morning" Mama said, rubbing my forehead I woke up with messy hair and face and with the state of my
soul still not all gathered or arguably semi-conscious.
"Mama is ready for your school clothes, it's ready to be ready first."
"Oh, yes, thank you for getting Kevin's clothes ready."
"No problem Kevin, I'm ready to go straight down and eat yahhh."
"Ready mah."
Slowly mama came out of my bedroom and left me towards the kitchen.

After taking a shower, I immediately prepared to wear the school uniform that Mama had prepared before. In between me wearing the school uniform that mama had prepared before, I remembered my dream last night that in the future papa fell asleep with me who shed tears and mama who also shed tears. But I don't remember all about my dream last night, at first glance it's just like that. But I'm afraid of unwanted things happening. Because all this time if I dream about a true story I feel that the dream actually happened. How about ji-
"Kevinn, still a long time baby? The food is this cold hunt later."
"Take you're time Kevin."
I was so shocked to hear mama's screaming voice calling. Yes, it's a bit long, because it's daydreaming about my dream last night. But I can only pray that it doesn't happen.
"Ehh, yes mah this is kevin done."
I quickly went downstairs to the dining room and found papa and mama already waiting for me at the dinner table

"It's the food baby, it's finished yahh."
"Yes mah."
In between devouring my food I saw papa who was enjoying his food too. I couldn't believe that later papa would leave me for good.

What exactly happened? Is it true that dreams can come true? Or am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?
To be honest, I often have some dreams that previously always happened before and they were really real. I'm so scared that last night's dream will come true. I can only pray to God that papa will be given a long life.
Wishful thinking and dreams made me even more chaotic. How to get rid of this sense of worry?.

"Mama, kevin set off first yahh." I said, waving my hand
"Be careful on Kevin's path."
"Papa is also careful yahh."
"Yes, mahh." We both said to mamah

The atmosphere was silent in the car without a word coming out of the two of us.
"It's really awkward." I said to myself

"Kevin, study hard, son." Papa said, stroking my
head "Ehmm, yes pah."

After a word that finally came out, it was quiet again. Along the way we traveled, only the sound of passing motorcycles and other cars was heard. A few minutes after the trip that felt really awkward, it was now right to the front of the school.
"Be careful kevin."
"Yes pahh."

The first hour was filled with my favorite subjects. Of course, it's English Lesson.
But, I have a bad feeling about papa. So that I became unfocused with the lesson this time.

"Psst, kevin from earlier how come it's so constantly sinking?" Becca said, waving goodbye to me
"Why, what's wrong?"
"Why the hell? It's usually the most uplifting when it's this."
"Ehmm, now something is disturbing my mind."
"Disturbing the mind? You can tell me about your problem."
"Just later, rest time."

After a lapse of some time finally the bell rang which indicated the time of istrahat.
"So, what disturbed your mind from just now?" Becca said "So, have you ever had a
dream about something and the next day it actually happened?"
"Let me remember. Hmm, I don't think so."
"Don't you think about that?"
"yes, last night I dreamed that papa was lying on my lap with his eyes closed and I saw mama crying beside me too."
"Kevinn, you don't want to be afraid, are you?"
"That's right Becca, that was my dream last night."
"What if it does happen?" I said unconsciously starting to shed tears
"I can only help pray that your papa is okay Kevin."
"Now calm down, we'd better go to the canteen to calm your heart with delicious food."
"All right." I said, wiping away my tears

The hour of return is approaching and the bell to go home has rang. I quickly walked out of the classroom and walked out of the school area. But I didn't find papa's car always picking me up.
"Tumben hasn't been picked up yet?" Becca
said "I don't know, usually papa is ready to come here."
"But, this bad premonition is coming again."
"Kevin we have to hurry to your house." Becca said with concern
"All right."

Mixed feelings and worry become one, I'm really afraid that nothing will happen. It was a few minutes to drive home but when we got there, we didn't meet anyone.

Suddenly the phone ringing rang, and it turned out to be a voice call from mama. And I quickly picked up the phone.
"Kevin, go to the Mediterranean Hospital soon." A voice that was not so clear with sobs that sounded
"Well mah."

When I got to the hospital I found mama crying.
"Mama, what's wrong with papa?"
"Papa you're gone kevin." Mama said with her sobs

In a hurry I headed for papa's room.
Here I am really unexpected. Last night's dream really happened. My childhood fears occurred. Now I'm really scared of my own dreams.


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Informations From: Taun17

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