It Rained That Afternoon


Wana sat alone on the campus that afternoon. Lazy to go home because the rain that started to pour down on Jogja from this afternoon has not stopped. With a skirt*k in his right hand, the guy stared straight ahead—into the hallway of the Soegondo Building to be exact—between daydreaming and watching the petite chick who was focusing on his phone from earlier. He saw that the chick picked up her phone and looked up her head slightly towards the sky, her eyes narrowed in focus on the phone screen. Wana's guess was that she was taking pictures of the sky crying that afternoon. Create content in WA snap or IG stories. Tskckck, the behavior of today's children.

Wana sucked on her skirt*k, her eyes still faithfully following the movements of the petite chick who was ten meters in front of her. Now the chick was engrossed in sipping chocolate-flavored box milk (if Wana hadn't seen it wrong) while staring at the group of purple dates under her feet swinging around casually. He saw the petite girl pick up the phone that had been placed, pointing the phone camera at the purple group of people who were downcast in the rain. The girl looked serious, she took pictures of the purple dating from various angles until she was satisfied and put the phone back beside her.

Wana again sucked on her skirt*k and exhaled a thin puff of smoke in front of her face. For a moment blocked his gaze on the petite chick in front of there. Her hand then moved to wag a puff of smoke in front of her face so that it would disappear immediately, Wana felt that she didn't want to miss the tiny girl's moment for too long. Strange. Wana saw or ran into the petite girl with short hair several times, but only this time she really noticed it. Even though she was blocked by the raindrop curtain, Wana knew that the girl had a sweet face. His short hair was half-patterned, just like samurai hair. His small eyes are almost narrow framed by glasses, his nose is also small as his body. All of those girls looked small in Wana's eyes. The T-shirt he wears looks oversized, as well as the parka jacket that wraps around his body. Wana felt a little excited. Just a little bit.

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Who is he huh?
Wana began to wonder about the chick in front of her. It seemed that they were in the same position because he knew that some of his classmates had greeted the girl. But Wana never knew his name. As he recalled, his friends never mentioned the girl's name. Or is Wana alone never paying attention? Wana could have asked one of her friends about the petite girl, but she didn't want to. He already knew the character of his friends, Wana would not survive the ridicule if he asked about girls. Maybe Wana just invite acquaintances this time. That way is faster and more efficient than just being quiet and guessing or asking his friends. Ah, but Wana isn't that bad at it. He just thought the petite girl in front of him was adorable. Nothing more.

Wana threw her skirt*k putung to the ground, stepping on it to make sure the fire was completely dead. The rain now remains a small drizzle. The people who had been shading in the hallway began to dare to brave the drizzle. Some ran a little, some took a leisurely walk while tightening their respective jacket hoods, some took advantage of the drizzle of the afternoon by making out under the same umbrella or spreading out raincoats for the two to wear. Wana wanted to offer the petite girl to walk alone with her. But unfortunately Wana didn't bring an umbrella. He had a raincoat, but he left it on the seat of his motorcycle, so he couldn't stretch his raincoat to the petite girl either. The drizzle patter is getting more and more gone as the sun also disappears. Ah, Wana really likes the atmosphere of the afternoon after the rain like this. It was cool and calming.

Wana then looked back at the front. The chick looks to be getting ready to move on. On his head was now perched headphones covering his ears. He then completely moved from his seat, walking towards Wana. No, no. The girl did not walk towards Wana, but indeed the place where Wana sat was where people were milling around. If you walk to the left of Wana, there will be a motorbike parking for staff and lecturers which is also often used for student parking. If you walk towards the right of Wana, it is the direction to the faculty mosque. Unknowingly, Wana still kept following the movements of the petite girl. Feeling stared at, the girl looked up until her eyes met Wana's.
Wana misbehaved. He was caught looking at the petite girl. His hands reflexively combed her long curls, while his eyeballs were blurred left and right.

"Hi Wana!" Wana glared slightly at the mention of his name. He looked into the eyes of the petite girl, unable to believe that it turned out that the girl knew her name. Do they know each other? They did cross paths quite often because of one faculty, but Wana never really knew the girl. The name alone even Wana doesn't know. Alas, Wana suddenly felt evil. But he still returned the girl's greeting. "Hi!" he retorted shortly. "Just want to go home?" Wana didn't know whose idea made her ask such a question.

The chick now stopped directly in front of Wana, her head nodding. "Yes, I was waiting for the rain to stop because of it" explained the girl, although Wana also knew why the girl had just returned home because she also noticed the girl from earlier. Wana just had a lot of fun. His heart thumped slightly when he saw that the girl's hair in front of him was a little messy due to being swept away by the wind. Wana felt cold and warm at the same time.
Beautiful. She was beautiful.

"Come first, Wana."
Until the chick passed from before him, Wana still sat upright on his stool, lost in thought. Until the vibrating of the phone in his pocket flashed his reverie. He saw the caller's name on the phone screen before pressing the green icon.
"yes, baby? Want to be picked up?"



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