What is your true passion [Self assessment guide]

What is your true passion [Self assessment guide]

When you are looking for your true passion: it’s because you seek happiness in your life or because there is a gap you must fill and there are many questions that are nagging you. 

Carefully answering these self assessment questions will help you understand more about your what your true goals in life are. And potential things that may or may not be holding you back from being happy and pursuing your true passion in life. 

Here are 9 questions you should ask yourself first. 

You may want to get out a notepad to answer these questions.

A mental note will not be enough. 

Writing the answers down will help you clear the fog and start seeing your path clearly.

The first question is….. 

1. What really inspires and drives you? 
This question may seem to be difficult to answer, but you will find your answer after you’ve finished all of the questions. Although, you need to get very clear about where you get your inspiration from. What are the kind of things you find inspiring and exciting? 

2. What would you do if you could not fail? 
Most people avoid doing things because they are afraid to fail. You can thank our current school system for that. Or perhaps they have tried something and failed in the past. If there was something that you would do for certain if you knew there isn’t a chance whatsoever of failing at it, what would that be? 

3. If you could start over again, what would you do? 
Many people find themselves in less favorable situations. They have fallen into life situations where they are not doing what they want to do. They go to work because they have bills to pay, not because they enjoy it. If you could start over again, what would you do? 

Take the self-assessment test here.

4. If money wasn’t an obstacle, what would you do? 
Many people have dreams they wish to realize. But they never attempt to move forward with the dreams because money was the obstacle. What would you love to do if you had the money to do it. Or rather, money would not be an obstacle. This can be anything. 

5. What is your definitive purpose in life? 
If you have a definitive purpose, what is it? There must be something you want to do that you dream about a lot. Think about this one thing and focus on it. 

6. What is stopping you from following your dream? 
What are all the things that have caused you to not follow your big dreams. There are many different types of mental barriers which can be stopping you. You might not see opportunity with your dreams or you may fear that people would make fun of you. You might not even lack talent. These could be barriers causing you not to move forward.

7. What passion are you afraid of pursuing? 
Some people have put their dreams on the back-burner. They are afraid to talk about them, out of fear. Fear of being made fun of by friends, family and colleagues. You might think your passion sounds silly to other people. What is this one thing? 

8. As a child, what did you really want to become? 
What were your childhood dreams? Did you have dreams of becoming someone as a child. Ad it didn’t turn out quite as expected? Do you still think about what it would have been like if you had followed your true path and dreams as a child? If you had the opportunity to try again today, would you follow this dream? 

9. What would you regret not doing in your life? 
Many people, when they get to retirement, have regrets when they realize the music is still in them. It is too late for many people to go back. To change things they missed out on. They would have lived their lives very differently if they had taken the chance. If your doctor tells you that you don’t have much time left but a few years, then what would your regrets be? What would you want to accomplish or try before your time was up?

Quick start guide: Self-assessment

Following this assessment, you will receive instructions on how to score yourself.

Before continuing on your self-discovery of the 13 steps leading to life’s riches and fulfilment.

Fill out the following self-assessment.

It consists of 20 multiple choice questions: Always/Sometimes/Never.

The assessment contains no right or wrong answers.

You're the only one who will see them, so do answer them as honestly as possible.

Take the self-assessment test here.

When you are looking for your true passion: it’s because you seek happiness in your life or because there is a gap you must fill and there are many questions that are nagging you. 

Carefully answering these self assessment questions will help you understand more about your what your true goals in life are. And potential things that may or may not be holding you back from being happy and pursuing your true passion in life.

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