Antiseptic Bathing Market Global Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Mar

Antiseptic Bathing Market Introduction  The global antiseptic bathing market is estimated to value over US$ 650 Million by 2029 end and register a CAGR of over 3% from 2019 to 2029.    Growing surgica...

Antiseptic Bathing Market Introduction 
The global antiseptic bathing market is estimated to value over US$ 650 Million by 2029 end and register a CAGR of over 3% from 2019 to 2029.   
Growing surgical site infections has resulted in significant usage of antiseptic bathing products for cleaning the skin prior to any surgery. Many regions worldwide recommend bathing two times with antiseptic product before surgery.

Antiseptic Bathing Market Overview
Increasing healthcare expenditure alongside recurrent surgeries and readmissions has led to more demand for skin cleansing practices in a preoperative way which in turn fueled the growth of the market. A gradual increase in the geriatric population alongside the rising prevalence of dementia, cancer, and diabetes has triggered the growth of the market.
On product types, the market is segmented into antiseptic shampoo caps, antiseptic bathing solution, CHG Bath towels, CHG solution, and antiseptic wipes. CHG solution is designated for bedridden patients. Developed countries like the US and UK extensively used CHG solution due to its high cost per bath. This had a positive influence on the growth of the market.

The end users of the market are ICU, medical wards and surgical wards. Antiseptic bathing products are also used in ICUs and medical wards where patients are enclosed in bed for a long duration. ICU vastly uses antiseptic products than other wards. 

Perpetually changing rules regarding related to preoperative skin cleansing may hinder the growth of the market. Development of new antiseptic skin cleansing product may limit the growth of the market. 

Region-wise North America currently holds a vast share of the market. The presence of prominent players alongside advanced healthcare infrastructure has expanded the size of the market. Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the market in the coming years. The increasing disposable income and the geriatric population remain the major driver of the market in the region. Favourable government is also impacting the growth of the market in the region. 

Prominent players of the market are 3M CO., Ecolan Inc., Reynard Health Supplies, Dickinson and Company, Stryker Corporation, P&G, HiCare Health, Medline Industries, Deko Industries Limited, and Reckitt Benckiser Nigeria.

Antiseptic Bathing Market Segmentation: 
By Product Type
•    CHG Bath Towels
•    CHG Solution
•    Antiseptic Wipes
•    Antiseptic Bathing Solution
•    Antiseptic Shampoo Caps

By End Users
•    ICU
•    Surgical Wards
•    Medical Wards

By Region
•    North America
•    Europe
•    Asia Pacific
•    Latin America
•    Rest of the World

Competitive Landscape:  
•    Tier 1 players- established companies in the market with a major market share  
•    Tier 2 players 
•    Emerging players which are growing rapidly 
•    New Entrants   

FutureWise Takeaways: 
•    Growth prospects  
•    SWOT analysis 
•    Key trends 
•    Key data points affecting market growth  

Objectives of the Study: 
•    To provide with an exhaustive analysis on the antiseptic bathing market based on the product type, end users and region 
•    To cater comprehensive information on factors impacting market growth (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and industry-specific restraints) 
•    To evaluate and forecast micro-markets and the overall market  
•    To predict the market size, in key regions (along with countries)—North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East
•    To record evaluate and competitive landscape mapping- product launches, technological advancements, mergers and expansions 
•    Profiling of companies to evaluate their market shares, strategies, financials and core competencies 

Table of Contents

Market Introduction

Market Definition

Market Taxonomy

Executive Summary

Market Overview

Market Analysis

Market Dynamics




Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Product Type, 2014–2018

CHG Bath Towels

CHG Solution

Antiseptic Wipes

Antiseptic Bathing Solution

Antiseptic Shampoo Caps

Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Product Type, 2019–2029

Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By End Use, 2014–2018


Surgical Wards

Medical Wards

Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By End Use, 2019–2029

North America Antiseptic Bathing Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029


Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Country, 2014–2018



Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029    

Latin America Antiseptic Bathing Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029


Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Country, 2014–2018



Rest of Latin America

Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029

Europe Antiseptic Bathing Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029


Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Country, 2014–2018







Rest of Europe

Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029

Asia Pacific Except China Antiseptic Bathing Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029


Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Country, 2014–2018




South Korea


Rest of APEC

Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029

China Antiseptic Bathing Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029


Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Product Type, 2014–2018     

Middle East and Africa Antiseptic Bathing Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029


Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis By Country, 2014–2018


South Africa

Rest of Middle East & Africa

Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029

Competition Analysis

Ecolab Inc.

3M Co

Reynard Health Supplies

Becton, Dickinson & Company

Clorox Company

Air Liquide (Schulke Australia Pyt Ltd)

Molnlycke Health Care AB

Medline Industries

Stryker Corporation

HiCare Health

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