Work Got You Stressed? Let Go Using These Timely Tips

Stress is part of everyone's life and work. Whether you work for someone else, run your own small business, or are a solopreneur, the better you manage your work stress, the happier and more productive you'll be in all facets of your life. So, while stress may be here to stay, it doesn't have to be in the driver's seat!

Work Stress and How to Relieve It

First, it's important to identify the source of your stress. Work stress usually falls into any one of four categories:

Work overload and overwhelm,

Difficult co-workers,

Overly demanding or unreasonable bosses, and

Anxiety stemming from uncertain economic times

The list may seem overwhelming in and of itself, but the good news is that there really are things that you can do to relieve these stressors. And many of them are things that you can put into action right away for yourself.

Let's start by looking at work overload.

If you're feeling overwhelmed start by scanning your schedule. Can you change your routine or rearrange something to find more time to get the job done? Are there tasks you can eliminate temporarily? Or could someone else pick them up for you? Being proactive and making even small changes eases things considerably.

If you continue to feel swamped and have a boss, speak to him or her. Communication is key, both for working things out and as another stress reliever. Simply sharing your feeling may open you to new possibilities.

What about the stress of co-workers who don't see eye-to-eye?

There are difficult people in all walks of life, and this is something you're likely to face no matter where you work. But, you don't have to let it stress you out.

One excellent stress management technique is to confront the issue directly. If the problem continues and you can't ignore it, another possible solution would be to ask to be moved to a different department or area. Another option to consider is to not respond or engage around the behavior that is bothersome, but try to connect in some other way. Either the person will respond by leaving you alone or, maybe better yet, he or she may befriend you. Either way, you are reducing your stress. This is the most helpful and growthful solution.

How about the overly demanding boss?

First of all, remember, your boss is your boss. It is usually unwise to approach this person in a confrontational manner. However, that doesn't mean you can't try talking.

To do this successfully, you'll want to schedule a meeting ahead of time. Then, before it happens, spend some time writing out your thoughts. This in itself relieves your stress because you feel clear and prepared. It will also help you state your case and stay on topic. Don't come across as blaming or condescending. Remember that your power lies in how you respond; but your boss does have power over your employment. So, if speaking your mind doesn't have the impact you'd hoped for, you'll need to let it go. Work to find the positive learning embedded in this experience. Let yourself be guided by your steadiness and discipline.

Anxiety about the future fuels stress.

Probably the biggest cause of stress in the workplace these days is fear and uncertainty about these tough economic times. There are no guarantees in this economy. That's hard to live with, so, how do you relieve some of the stress and fear?

Well, one thing is to be proactive and start preparing for the future. This might mean learning a new skill or trade. Maybe it could involve starting an on-line business or exploring saleable talents you might have. A little research and planning can relieve stress about the future, as well as opening up doors you might not have imagined!

And one bonus tip about stress...

No matter what is causing your stress, working out regularly is an excellent way to release energy and relieve overwhelm, frustration, and anxiety. You don't have to belong to a gym. You can find ways to work out anywhere - and the benefits are palpable. It's well worth the investment of time that it takes!

And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!

Just click this link to get started:

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