Magnetic Audio Products for Music Lovers

Until and unless a band is laced with all the latest and efficiently performing equipments, it cannot think about creating something that is quality music to people. Magnetic products have a wide base. But in this article, we will only discuss about their use in the audio/ music industry.

Equipment like loudspeakers, audio boxes, CD/dvd players, connectors and amplifiers are things that can be created with the use of magnetic technology and products that deliver 100% value. These products are hand crafted and every single wire is put in shape by professionals. This makes it even more reliable and trustworthy.

Some of the examples of magnetic products are provided below:

Integrated Amplifier:

A lot of amplifiers are available in the market today, but how do you choose the right one for yourself?

Here is a guide to help you figure that out.

Set your Budget: Setting your budget is very necessary as financial constraint can make you feel handicapped to buy the right product for you. Budget between $ 1225 to $1500 is a decent budget that one can keep for buying an integrated amplifier.

The number of power tubes you would need: Companies also provide you with this option. On the basis of the frequency of your working and constant engagement, you can choose your power tubes. These are basically given options for 6550 (EH), EL34*4 and KT88*4.

Features to look in for: Features like remote control, tube cover, frequency, harmonic distortion and gross weight should be considered before reaching at a conclusion to buy.

Warranty and Brand: Many brands extend up to 1 year of warranty that shows their service assistance and quality. Most such brands are reliable in nature and can be the ones that you go for. There are many brands that do not provide a warranty. Do not go for them as they usually provide sub-standard items.

Decision: Make a list of the features that you might want in your product and check them. The most checks provided by the product are the ones you were looking for. Purchase that product only and do not compromise with the quality.

Other magnetic products in the market that can be tried:

There are a number of other magnetic products too available in the market. These are loudspeakers, sockets, CD players, USB enablers, etc. Keep the above steps in mind while making a purchase decision for them too. They can help you find the right product.


A number of companies are offering magnetic products, but there is a need to identify the right companies. Such products can be forged and sold out. What one needs to make sure is that the product is original, authentic and warrantied. With this, keep all the caveats in mind before ordering online to choose the right product.

The above description of buying an amplifier can guide you in that way. The specification given above can be adhered to in order to get the right product.

Cayin is a company that started with the very motto of delivering world class services and products to its customers. Not only are they customer centric but also provide a wide variety of audio solutions. Cayin tube amp and Cayin A88T mk2 are among the prominent products in the sound industry.

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