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Sometimes kids are researching colours concepts and colour mixing. Other times you might be strengthening shapes or patterns. Occasionally you are interested in finding specific types of results or outcomes. Other instances kids can explore materials as they choose, experimenting with networking and process. This painting task is great for exploration. You also could use it in a clothing theme or as part of your exploration.
Painting with Shoes.
Everything You Will Need
Small Shoes -- check out thrift shops for baby or toddler shoes; select shoes with Various treads for pattern exploration
Shallow plastic or aluminum pans
Washable paintWhite construction paper or manila newspaper Paper towels.
Few Tips
Pour paint on top of the paper towel.
This acts as a"paint mat" and will help control the amount of paint on the shoe bottoms. Otherwise the surface will get coated with paint. While this isn't a significant issue, it may get messy.You are able to provide more than one color of paint. The colors will get blended (regardless of how you try to set it up differently ), so be prepared. We utilize only 1 color so we can focus on shapes, colours, and tread patterns.
Set up to wash hands immediately after a kid finishes painting. Hands will get messy with this one. This is just one for smocks, too. A larger surface is simpler for mining.
Print names on paper first. Then place the name side so it will be on the rear of the completed painting.
Art Exploration with Shoes and Paint.
Talk about what shapes or line patterns they see.
Invite preschoolers to press shoes in the paint and then on their paper. Lift the shoe and talk about the print.
Allow children to research in their own manners. One child may use just one shoe, which makes several repeated prints of the same tread. Another may set the different treads side by side to compare and contrast.
We've noticed some preschoolers make quick rapid prints all over the webpage. Others will swipe the shoes, making several kinds of marks on the webpage.
Include shoes in many different sizes. (You may need larger paper for large shoes.) Discuss growing and the need for new shoes. Provide footwear for several forms of weather. Evaluate the treads and the other characteristics of the shoes and boots.
Make a literacy connection by reading a book about shoes before or after painting. Watch the clothing motif book list for suggested books.
I expect you and your kids enjoy this fun art exploration and also will experiment with other unusual things in your painting.