Jewish Smart Sperm

Talmud texts fascinated the Ashkenazim tribe and attributed to forming cults led by rabbinical chiefs.Only the wisest and shrewdest of the Ashkenazim tribe could survive in the midst of the Mongol invaders and warriors. Selective breeding was naturally imposed on a tribe where slow minds would be pierced by a Mongol sword. It took only a few decades to produce the hook nosed and crafty person who is despised by those in the slow lane. Precious Ashkenazim sperm was carried by both the male and female, once fertilized it produced a wonder in spirit and body. Mongol seeded Ashkenazim females seldom produced a true Talmudist, but most displayed physical beauty. Unfortunately only one in ten Ashkenazim carries the magical dynamics of that unique sperm particle that produces the wonderous being called the Jew. 

There are about 15 million Ashkenazim tribesmen scattered throughout the world. Most are being victimized by Jew hating bullies. The reasons for their victimization are myriad. But very few meet death at the hands of Jew haters. The rest are physically or verbally assaulted. Jew assaults are difficult to record, clever Jew haters never utter the word JEW when physically or verbally assaulting their victim. Modern Jewesses who fear living in a hostile environment marry non-Jews in a financially lower group. The rate of intermarriage among the non-orthodox is over ninety percent. But orthodox Jews often have a family of between six to fifteen kids, they keeps replacing lost Jews. 
There has developed a few codewords for Jew hatred one is anti-Semitic or another by those who badmouth Israel. Very few Jews are Semitic or are descended from Palestine. Ashkenazim originated somewhere in Asia or Eastern Europe. Sephardim came from parts of Spain. Jew haters protest against a few Palestinians killed by the IDF but keep silent about a million civilians killed in Iraq. It is obvious hypocrisy. 
There is no known way to end Jew hatred. Its foundation lies in the genetic system of the non-Jew. Blame for the worlds problems is often cast upon the Jews. Fear of a new genocide is on every Jews mind. The previous genocide was promoted by the White European Christians. Jewish defenders feel that by diluting the population of the previous murderers they will be safer. Open borders is one Jewish defense against white supremacists who wish to expel Jews. Border Jumpers are not Jew lovers but have less hatred.

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