Fun With Robotics


Robotics can capture a child's imagination like no other tool.

Robots promise to transform our lives in myriad ways.From coding to stop-motion animation videos to sewing, the maker movement is becoming more and more popular with kids and adults.

Kids are more attracted towards being learning theoretical things than doing practically.

Institutes having "Robotics Labs " are more popular.Experimenting with the new gadgets, electronics things can boost the problem solving skills into childrns.

The use og robotics gaining popularitry into schools and colleges. And having a "Think n Do Lab" in schools are more better the traditional way of teachings.

Since Robotics makes children's to do the stuff themselves is more fun with learning the subjects. Simple and complex math's concepts are also demonstrated while learning with making robotics.

There is considerable anecdotal evidence that students respond well in subjects involving programming of robots.

Robots lend themselves to do-it-yourself activities. For example, a colleague builds robots using a 3D printer and uses his smart phone as an interactive device to communicate with the printed robot.

Children will learn about iterative testing when trying out new programs they create for their friends. They will write a program by directing their friends, and their friends will have to follow. If a bad direction is given, then the programmer will have to rewrite that part of the program until the directions work completely and correctly.

Robotics and electronics are two hallmarks of the maker movement (electronics explores using electronic circuits, while robotics combines circuits, movement and sometimes software to create a machine or robot). Projects can be as simple as a making a light blink, or as involved as building an entire robot.Robots are complex machines that work using a variety of different mechanisms.

Scientific evidence about the effectiveness of robotics activities may still be lacking or not be entirely convincing. But just like the progress of any other scientific enquiry, I am sure, over time, the effectiveness of robotics training will eventually become increasingly clear with mounting evidence. Without doubt, robotics classes are becoming increasingly popular today, especially among children, and scientists would want to establish their efficacy.

Technology education is an uprising trend that inculcate problem solving habits and encourage interest of students to explore and apply their theory learnt from school. Rather than looking in the angle of getting the "score" right. I believe academic excellence does not represent the whole picture of student progress which it should couple with method and thinking skill to apply.

Here are some reasons to teach robotics in schools:

Children find fun with learning

Robotics Programs Develop Problem-Solving Skills And Creativity.

Robotics Programs Improve Computer Programming Skills

Productive skills useful in future employment.

Robotics Teaches Science And Math Concepts.

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