Extinguishing Satan’s Flaming Missiles

Extinguishing Satan’s Flaming Missiles

1 John 5:4-5
Scripture promises that we who believe in Jesus will overcome the world. Yet most of us will admit we are failing to “overcome” in at least one area of our lives. Why? The reason is that Satan focuses his attack on our weaker points.
Since our minds are his battlefield, his tactics will be directed toward our thinking. He sends arrows of doubt, fear, and temptation to penetrate our thoughts. He shoots flaming missiles – false ideas about God, erroneous doctrine, and unbiblical philosophies – to lead us away from truth and to thwart God’s purposes for us. If we allow these arrows to infiltrate our thinking, we will give Satan a strong foothold inside our minds from which he can harass and defeat us. (Ephesians 4:27)
One of the Enemy’s strategies is to instill fear in us. Most of us have apprehensions about certain things and, if he discovers what it is, the Devil will send arrow after arrow of trepidation into our minds. He wants us to develop thought patterns of fear whenever that subject comes up. Another tactic is jealousy. Satan wants us to react automatically to situations by noticing what others have and thinking we deserve it instead. With this perspective, we will often act without regard to what God says.
How can you defend yourself? With God’s help, identify your weak areas and begin to strengthen them through the Word of God. Remember: the fiery missiles of Satan can be thoroughly extinguished by a heavy dose of God’s truth. With Christ, we will overcome!

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries

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