Essay Writing Tips for Different Types of Essays

Writing an essay not just means having an introduction, a body, and a conclusion and bingo! We have been working essay writing servicesprovider since long time and we understand each tricks which required in completing essays. Essay writing is a tough business when you are at college. Before you start pulling your hair to find out the difference between a reflective and descriptive essay, here is the ultimate guide telling you the format and writing tips for different types of essays.

How to write an essay?

Firstly, you need to hone your academic writing skills to jump to the task of essay writing. Up next, you need to be ready to skim through the boundless information available. Essay tasks at colleges and universities often require supporting an argument, so make sure you are looking for reliable resources to prove your argument. Always try to start early and give adequate time for researching reliable and academic evidence to support your arguments. The most scoring references for academic writing are peer-reviewed reports and research papers.

Tips for writing different types of essays

Essay writing is always meant to be conveying a message to the readers. But, not every essay requires you to display your personal opinion about the given subject. Some of the essays require you to describe what’s happening and some of them are about why it’s happening. The different types of essay writing might sound confusing at first; let’s take a look with some academic writing tips to nail it.

Descriptive essay: Make sure to include every detail in the descriptive essay because they are about describing the subject in detail. It is always better to look for as many references as possible to include even the minutest details.

Narrative essay: They are somewhat easier because it is more about storytelling. This type of essays is written in the first person. The best tip would be to keep it clear and concise, unnecessary details might confuse the readers.

Persuasive essay: Strong research is required to win the persuasive writing skills. You are expected to persuade the readers with your arguments, so make sure to include as many supporting academic pieces of evidence as you can.

Argumentative essay: To win this type of essay, you need to include facts and statistics. Including lots of facts is helpful and writing on a controversial topic is always better to engage the reader.

Expository essay: One of the most challenging types of essay that require having a higher level of research and academic writing skills. To begin with a strong thesis statement and to reach to the personal findings you must use lots of academic evidence and make sure you write a convincing conclusion to score the highest. Using transition words is helpful when writing expository essays.

Critical essay: These are mostly used in the college, so make sure you include the academic voice while writing. In addition to this, you will need a clear argument; keep reading and analyzing the research material, until you get one.

Compare and contrast essay: In this category, you will be studying the differences and similarities between two or more subjects. So it is always helpful to draft a rough outline before starting. Then focus on the most important points and make it the argument to write a strong essay.

Definition essay: Thorough analysis is the key; make sure you are reading enough of the samples to win this style of essay writing.

Process essay: The given topic has a process or instructions, so to write them, divide your essay into multiple paragraphs where each paragraph describes the specific details of the process. Using active voice and lists and bullets are helpful.

Also, you need to carefully look at the marking rubrics before you start writing. Writing up until you reach the word count should not be your strategy. Rather, keep in mind the marking criteria and focus on the parts that will get you the highest scores; such as the number of academic evidence used, structure of the essay, language used, and the referencing and citation styles.


Informations From: Taun17

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