In Jesus name, I will not be a cast away and I will inherit eternal rest in heaven. Help me Lord God. Amen
First Bible Meditation: Matthew 25:1-4
At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps..
Beloved, in these days of uncertainties, going by what is happening in our time, we need to be wise and act like the five wise virgins who had extra oil in their lamps. We are in the last days and the signs of the last days are here with us, this is not disputable but it is real, and true.
It is therefore expected of us to be on our guard because the coming of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is real and near. We need to be more devoted in our service and worship to God, We need to be watchful, through prayers, studying scriptures, preaching the word, and living a Christ-like life by so doing, we will be on our guard. God called you out from bondage to be on guard.
If you must follow God, you must follow God and never regret that you are no more in the world with unbelievers. How prepared and ready are we? This is the question every true child of God should ask him/herself.
1) Always remember that God is interested in your life than your work you’re doing for him. Don’t be work minded to forget your life relationship with God.
2) Let the Spirit of God in you control and decide your life.
1) Oh God, Give me abundant grace to follow till the end in Jesus name
2) Day by day, let my life be a light, praise and glory to you, Lord Jesus.