Waking Up Tired and Going to Bed When You're Not

By William T Batten

You know what it's like. It's a struggle to get through your morning. You need coffee yet the caffeine doesn't work. Somehow, you make it to the afternoon, where it's a battle just to keep your eyes open. Then you get home, collapse on the couch and zone out.

Until you crawl into bed, that is. Then your mind becomes alive. Thoughts flow with speed and clarity. All that energy and genius you were saving from earlier in the day come rushing through your mind. As hard as it was to stay awake earlier, it's now just as hard to fall asleep.

There's tons of research about what a lack of sleep does to the mind... and body. It isn't pretty. Your brain operates in a low-capacity state, leaving you less effective at everything. Your body goes haywire, burning resources to keep you upright that should be spent repairing damage and fighting infections.

Like a misaligned axle, everything slowly starts to fall apart. The more you push it, the worse it gets.

But you don't need to read any research to know how bad it is. If you're living through this, you know what a difference it makes.

Insomnia is one of the most common reasons for someone to see a hypnotist. It's not hard to imagine why, given how serious the problem is and how good hypnosis is at treating it.

Why is hypnosis so effective?

Insomnia is a complex condition with complex causes. In most cases, though, it boils down to a combination of anxiety and your internal clock glitching. Hypnosis is perfect for moving beyond these issues.

Hypnosis is incredibly effective at treating stress, whether in the moment or for chronic conditions. It's so effective that, even if you see a hypnotist for something else, you'll experience deep calm and relaxation as a side effect. That's simply part of the process. When hypnosis focuses on feeling greater comfort and peace, the results are incredible.

As for your internal clock, that has a more targeted solution. The pineal gland in your brain secrets melatonin, the neurotransmitter that fluctuates over the course of a day. Our prehistoric ancestors had no light at night except the moon and campfires. In a world with electrical lighting and bright screens, your inner mind sometimes loses track of what time it is. Eating certain junk food can throw your energy levels off too.

Or maybe it isn't behavioural. Maybe your internal clock gets confused no matter what.

Either way, hypnosis helps reset and recalibrate your autonomic responses. Everything from heart rate to blood pressure to, yes, your sleep cycle. If you've tried lifestyle changes and they haven't worked, interface with your inner mind through a hypnotic trance now.

Hypnotic trances are so relaxing that people sometimes fall asleep in them. This is sometimes a problem but, as a way to fall into a deep sleep, it's perfect. Experience a pleasant trance state now:


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