Learn Leadership Lessons From Deadliest Catch

By Stephanie Harbin

Deadliest Catch, a popular show on the Discovery Channel keeps me on the edge of my seat. Aside from the excitement of watching the crews work under extreme conditions to catch crab, I'm thrilled to watch the captains strategize. Their decisions can either jeopardize the endeavor sending everyone home exhausted, frustrated, and broke or hit the mark. This article underscores 10 lessons from the captains.

10 Lessons

� Get the right people on the boat.

In short, the captains take steps to recruit and retain the right crew. It makes the difference between a successful or unsuccessful season. Thus, they evaluate the skills and character traits of each worker. If necessary, they remove the wrong people. It disrupts the chemistry of the team.

� Establish clear goals.

Before heading out to the rough seas, each captain sets a quota. While one might aim for catching 150,00 pounds of king crab, another might aim for 200,000. Once the goal is established, they move full steam ahead.

� Move in the right direction.

After the boat reaches the designated spot, the gear is unloaded and they hope for a prosperous catch. The captains record and monitor progress. In cases where the numbers remain low, they reassess the strategy and act accordingly.

� Stay ahead of the pack.

A major goal is staying ahead of the others. Consequently, concern arises when the captains notice other boats gravitating to their territory.

� Team up with a partner.

At length, finding a trustworthy partner becomes a consideration. Teaming with the right partner has the potential to maximize the catch. Like the old saying two heads are better than one, two boats are better than one.

� Maintain the boat and equipment.

Although maintaining the boat is expensive, it's a top priority. At the beginning of the season, the boats are inspected and repaired. The goal is to have a safe vessel that operates at a high level of efficiency.

� Sometimes you must go on deck.

From time to time the captains go on deck to motivate, help out, or offer constructive criticism. Their willingness to do the dirty or heavy work inspires the crew.

� Experiment to get better results.

Once, one of the captains placed electronic crab callers into the cages trusting they would attract more crab. Usually fish serve as bait. Even if the results did not yield a significant return, the captain was willing to try something different.

� Safety first.

Although the captain steers the boat, he cannot control the sea. With that said, Nothing is taken for granted. To keep the crew sharp and alert they have safety drills. On one episode, the captain and crew disappeared.

� Know when to get out of the storm.

You can have the best ship. You can have the best team. You can have the best track record. Yet, you must know when to get out of the storm. Retreating can cost time and money but you live to fish another day. For that reason, the captain must make good decisions.

You're invited to visit    https://www.everythingleadership.store to receive a FREE special report on resources for parents, educators, facilitators, and trainers. Stephanie Harbin, a motivational speaker and training specialist has developed and presented a wide range of programs for business, government, educational institutions, and nonprofits. Her focus is on leadership, strategy, training, career and personal development.

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