How to Wow Your Interviewer in the First Five Minutes

By Dr. Rachel Abramson

How do you wow! your interviewer, right from the start of the interview? How do you make a good positive impression; one that carries through the whole interview? This article provides the three "be"s to wow!ng your interviewer from the start. This article also provides three tips to help you create that wow! factor in your next job interview.

The Three "Be"s to Wow!

1. Be organised. You may have a number of items that you plan to bring with you to the interview e.g., your briefcase (containing notes, handouts and work samples), umbrella and/or coat. The best time to organize these items is prior to entering the interviewer's premises. You don't want to be fumbling with different items in the interviewer's line of sight. Instead, you can organize your notes, handouts and work samples in sequential or logical sequence within the briefcase for ease of access in the interview itself. You can then carry your briefcase in your left hand. If you have a coat with you, you can drape it over your left arm. Similarly, if you have an umbrella, you can hook it under your left arm. In this way, once you arrive at the premises, you can stride into the venue with confidence and firmly shake hands with the interviewer when he/she comes out to greet you.

At the end of the interview, you can gather your items so as to leave your right arm free. In so doing, you can allow the interviewer to escort you to the front door of the premises and firmly shake hands with the interviewer before leaving the building.

2. Be professional. Professionalism in a job interview reflects how you look, sound and act. Professionalism in a job interview starts with a punctual arrival and continues throughout the whole interview until you have left the interviewer's premises.

Job seekers often get caught out when interviewers ask why they left a previous place of employment. If you left that company with ill feelings towards one or more members of staff, do not treat the question as an opportunity to vent about how badly done by you were. Instead, speak about being ready for a new opportunity elsewhere.

3. Be confident. Confidence comes from rehearsing the job interview, knowing what you are going to say, and knowing you can handle whatever comes up in the interview.

Three Tips to Create that Wow! Factor in Your Next Job Interview

The three "be"s involve preparation. So here are three tips to help you best prepare for an interview, and ultimately, create that wow! factor in your next job interview:

1. Demonstrate you have the relevant skills by preparing three examples for each of the key selection criterion. If employers don't ask you to address the key selection criterion, look for information that might highlight the core knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required to do the job. You may not need every example on the day of the interview, but it is better to have prepared them and not need them, than to need them but not be able to think of the relevant details on the day of the interview.

2. Research the company and the industry to which it belongs. As part of this preparation, it will be worth your while to identify the main problems faced by the company as well as the likely opportunities that the company would want to tap into

3. Identify what you can bring to the table for the job itself, as well as how your unique set of KSAs can help the company address its problems and tap into those opportunities.

By showing you have what it takes to not only do the job, but also help that company overcome its problems and tap into those opportunities, you are well placed to wow!ng the interviewer at your next job interview.

Before you go, be sure to look at some of my other ezine articles on interviews. You will also find more articles on my websites:


Dr. Rachel Abramson, Ph.D. Organisational, Health and Counselling Psychologist, Career Counsellor and Hypnotherapist.

My higher order mission is to help people reach their full potential: Personally, professionally, entrepreneurially and money-wise.

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