Ain't Nothing Time Doesn't Touch

By Alexa Keating

Timeless literally means eternal, ageless, endless, and even undying; it is a vast description of existence. Is anything really timeless? We like to believe it is yet entire civilizations have disappeared leaving only the remnants of traditions once thought to be all enduring. Their existence, who they used to be, is uncovered and analyzed in archaeological discoveries. Someone's timeless suddenly reappears and a new world gazes and wonders what it all meant. Time touches everything leaving history to write the final analysis of what used to. Life is like that.

Every religion has a base belief system, hoping it will endure the test of time. It is human to imagine that all the things we know are enough, that time will never uncover anything that will alter what we imagine to be absolute truth. Almost every religion embraces the idea of a Creator in some form, even if by different names. Perhaps this belief will always be timeless. This is the story of what happens when time passes; we see differently because of what and how far we can see. When we discover archives of what most religions understood to be the know all and end of what they would become we are startled by what they believed. Have they changed or has the passage of time provided a wider lens through which we view the world?

If you imagine none of this touches your life take a quick trip back to old familiar places you knew when you were a child. Remember how big all of this looked through the eyes of a child? See how narrow the streets now appear, how small the homes seem to be? Yet they are the same. The essentials may be the same but time passed, trees and bushes grew up and out. New streets are wider, homes are larger and you are older and wiser. You have seen more; the ability to see beyond this familiar street has expanded to the Internet where you can see the world with a few clicks. Time has passed.

Look at pictures of the people you grew up with. Do they seem much older than you now? Do you notice things you never did before? When we look through the prism of time we rarely see the changes time has wrought in ourselves. We may notice slight differences but mostly we see ourselves as we remember and not so much as others may see us. Just like the streets that did not change, things changed around us and within us. Skin is less elastic, eye lids droop and we develop chins below the one we remember. Some take drastic action to 'correct' the changes while others may wish time had been kinder. Regardless, time passed and took its toll. Most people might wish they could recover some of what used to be but retain the wisdom they have gained, the lessons they have learned. These are the remnants of time passing.

How many times have you changed your mind, altered a position or accepted what you once thought was unacceptable? Once people who were perceived as 'witches' were burned alive in Salem, Massachusetts; the world accepted this. Time passed, we learned more and accepted things we did not understand before. Through the passage of time we gained greater knowledge and acquired the ability to research and develop new ideas. This is the gift of time passing. Like the tide that sweeps out and returns, time passes sweeping away what was and returning with something new leaving us free to change our mind or see something differently.

Time will continue to pass, ideas will continue to evolve and people will always change. This is why memories are so precious to us; it is how we embrace the best of time that has passed. It is one of the best traits humans share, these memories, because truly there ain't nothing time doesn't touch.

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