After a Career Break, How to Find a Suitable Job

By Reshali Balasubramaniam

Finding a suitable job after a break may be challenging. Most employers would not consider your work experience prior to the career break and consider you as an entry level once again. But don't lose heart, you still have a chance to land your dream job after a break. Here are some tips on how to find a suitable job after a career break.

Assurance. You have to assure your employer that you will be staying with them to work and not go on a break once again. Employers need assurance that they can rely on you to do the task, complete it and not abandon it. This means that you have to explain clearly during the interview the reason why you had a break. A well-explained rational reason is acceptable and takes away the doubt from the employer's mind.

Knowledge and Skills. You have to be able to show that you still have the knowledge and skills that you have prior the career break and even better after the career break. You should be able to improve your knowledge and skills even during the break. This means that even though you are not working on your career, you are still learning new things and developing your skills. You still have to be updated on the latest things happening on your industry.

Adaptability. You should be able to adapt to new technology and development that occurred while you are on break. You cannot expect that the same tools you were using prior the break would still be the same ones that you will use when you make a career comeback. With the rapid changes in technology and computers, everything gets upgraded to become a better version of the original or prior versions.

Flexibility. You should be flexible enough to take on new roles after the career break. Roles can be related to or not to your prior work experience. You can change roles and engage in a career that is related to the skills you developed while on break. It doesn't necessarily mean that you will be coming back to the same career you had prior to the break.

Networking. You should be able to keep in touch with former colleagues and bosses even during your career break. These people can help you once you are ready to come back. They can rehire you or recommend you as they already know your skills and attitude towards work.

Confidence. You should be able to exude confidence that you are now ready for a career come back. No trace of regrets should be shown on having a break rather a positive outlook that there are good reasons for the break and you have benefitted from it. The experiences you had during the career break could actually contribute to your next    career.

These are only a few things to keep in mind when planning a career break or while at the middle of a career break or even after a break in the career. What's important is the decision to come back and face new challenges.

Reshali Balasubramaniam

Head of HR and Adviser at and Efuture Tech Systems. Submit your resume online to get connected with prospective employers.

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