By David L. Feinstein
What would scare you the most? Losing traffic from your blog or losing sales from your passive marketing? Both are scary to say in a general manner. Losing traffic is the worse of the two. No traffic means a very little sales potential. So, lets deal with the lack of traffic for your MLM business blog and the steps to combat the problems. The biggest issue is the lack of a documented strategy. The strategy is key to developing your content.
The unfocused marketer brings timely disaster
The MLM business needs an audience and this is defined through a documented content strategy or digital strategy. One cannot simply create "lures" and hope to catch prospects. Blogs are only a tool to help nourish relationships with prospects. Thus, allowing you to achieve your business goals. Your blog posts can help you gain traffic but only if they are targeted at the right people. This goes for other content as well.
If you lose focus and go on a wild goose chase you will lose. All plans must be executable and monitored over time. Blogging that isn't relevant or copied is one that is doomed to fail. This is why audience research is vital in the pre-startup phase. Knowing your prospects strengths and weaknesses will help you develop the right content for them.
Find your MLM Zen
Find your balance and keep your eye on your prospects. Your MLM business is about serving and nothing more. It's easy to lose sight and fall off the wagon. Know your audience and develop topics aimed to provide true value and not just opinions or fluff. All prospects are in the educational phase until they decide to invest additional resources into you. Only after they have invested capital into you, the educational aspects should turn into away from general to specific help and offerings.
Your MLM business blog should not copy others. Find your own path and voice. Show the world around you the experiences that you have and share your "why me" is the only option they need. This can be done through the right topics, content types and personal style that reaches out with a blend of knowledge and personality. Dead personalities will sink the ship of prosperity.
Take a moment and reflect on your data. Use Google analytics to measure traffic and time visits. Find your popular posts and generate content around them. Don't forget to promote older content and new content as well. Get out there and interact with people. Share your thoughts with others and build your empire.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;