Christmas and Easter are two Christian holidays that used to be part of American culture but now just seem to be for retail marketing. Even that now basically is Santa and bunnies. We still get nativity sets and cards if we can find them but that's it.
I forget that in today's world, most people no longer share my faith. Today is Easter 2018. I will go to church in an hour and am dressed cheerfully. As I reflect on why I celebrate, I remember what he did for me.
I've never been able to enjoy passion cantatas or graphic movies because I cannot shout out "crucify him". Even if I lived in that era of history I wouldn't be able to because I can't bear anyone being tortured.
I was blessed with Christian school education and raised in church. I asked Jesus into my heart and was baptized at the age of five. I raised my children in church and as are adults they are free to live as they choose.
My favorite Bibles stories are of people who witnessed able what Jesus had done for them. I especially love the women who were transformed. He told the woman at the well things about her no one else knew. He saved the woman caught in adultery from stoning. He drove demons from Mary Magdalene. She witnessed the empty grave. The woman who washed his feet with her hair he understood.
I do believe in a literal Heaven and hell. I believe the Bible. I've seen both good and evil in this world and know the sources. I believe Jesus rose from the dead. I am grateful he gave his life for me. I am looking forward to Heaven one day where there will be only beauty and joy.
I am glad my father is in Heaven and enjoying his time until the rest of us join him. I know I've sinned in my days and am thankful for forgiveness. We don't like to acknowledge the word but I admit to being a sinner.
Non-believers call Christians hypocrites. There have been times in history when that has been true. Generally, we are just people trying to follow what we believe is truth. As for myself, I'm just a grateful, forgiven sinner who tries to show compassion to those in need. I do this because of what he did for me.