The Essence Of American FREEDOM

By Richard Brody

When politics, and political agendas, become more significant to certain public officials, and/ or citizens, than what the core meaning, and mission, of America, has always been, we risk, entering a period, where we end up, destroying all, that has always been unique, important, significant, and relevant, to this nation! The United States of America, although, far from perfect, has always stood out, in the world, because of the principles, it represented, and its dedication to human rights of all people, as well as our welcoming, Melting Pot, focus. Those who seek to polarize, and pit one group of Americans against another, are abandoning the very essence, of American FREEDOM. With that in mind, this article will attempt to review, consider, and briefly discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this is so essential to what, our national represents, and the dedication to liberty, and justice, for all!

1. Faithful; factual; future; fresh: If we end up abandoning our principles, and fail to remain faithful, to our core protections of all of America's freedoms and liberties, then, as George Carlin, famously, stated, The terrorists win. How can we ask other nations to place more emphasis, on human rights, if/ when, we place less on them, than we ever have! Whether one supported Donald Trump, or opposed him, when he ran for President, there can be little doubt, his rhetoric and vitriol, have often, been opposed to some of these core beliefs. In addition, when the man, holding the highest office in the land, resorts to blaming, and complaining, and calling anything, which he perceives, as opposing him, as Fake Facts, rather than proceeding, in a factual way, the future of democracy, as we know it, becomes threatened! Today, we need, leaders with a willingness to proceed, with fresh ideas, and a focus on freedom, and equal rights!

2. Relevant; rational; reasoning: We need leaders who look to the future, in a relevant, sustainable way, a willingness, to proceed with rational, rather than populist, and/ or self - serving leadership! We need to be served and represented, by individuals, whose reasoning, focuses on the common good, rather than self - interest, or personal/ political agenda!

3. Enrich; excellence: Freedom - focused leaders seek to consistently enrich all Americans, and never settling for good - enough, while emphasizing the utmost degree of personal excellence!

4. Empathy; energize: Rather than assuming they have all the answers, we need to be attracted to office - seekers, who are willing to effectively listen, and learn. and proceed with genuine empathy! Shouldn't these individuals energize us, by articulating a freedom - based message?

5. Deliver: Demand those representing you, under - promise, and over - deliver, and do, so, in a positive, inclusive way!

6. Options; opportunities; open - minded: Americans would be better served and represented, if those elected, examined multiple options, and opportunities, with an open - mind, and dedicated themselves, to protecting everyone's freedoms!

7. Motivation; make mark: Rather than inspiring polarization, demand they focus on motivating us, to come together, for the common good! How will each person, make his mark?

We must re - dedicate, ourselves, to the essence of our, American FREEDOM. Will you demand, those you elect, make that commitment?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

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