Is Common Sense Governing An Oxymoron?

By Richard Brody

Doesn't it often seem, common sense appears, to be lacking, in far too many of our government officials? Rather than focusing on realistic, rational, effective, relevant, sustainable solutions, we often witness, elected officials, who focus, far more than on their personal, self - interest, and/ or, political agenda, rather than, on serving, the constituents, who elected them! Is common sense, governing, realistic, and possible, or is it, actually, an oxymoron. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, review, consider, and discuss, 5 possible explanations, of why, logic and good judgment/ behavior, is often, such a rare experience.

1. Repeating same mistakes: If public officials, were ready, willing and able, to study, and learn lessons, from history, they probably would be better prepared, to avoid repeating the same mistakes. At the present time, President Trump, and the majority party, in Congress, are of the same political affiliation - the Republican Party. Most news stories have stated, Mr. Trump, rarely looks thoroughly, and/ or deeply, into issues. beyond the restrictions of his apparent, self - interest, and/ or personal, political agenda. The supposed major achievements of his first year, included the so - called, Tax Reform legislation, as well as weakening the health care laws (known as the Affordable Care Act), and reducing federal regulations. The tax legislation is based on a often - disproven concept, known as Trickle Down Economics, which states, giving the bulk of the benefits to the corporations, and wealthiest, will create more jobs, and an enhanced economy! While the A.C.A., certainly, had its flaws, the suggested replacements, were more, rhetoric, than improvements, and failed to remember the many flaws, prior to the act. Deregulation, especially, regarding the environment, automobile, and banking, appear to be based on premises, which have learned little, from past challenges, etc!

2. Procrastination: Why do we continue to witness, the same issues, discussed, without remedy, or improvement, for years, on - end? Many officials seem to fear the political impacts of taking actions, and thus, prioritize procrastination!

3. Burying head - in - the - sand: When elected officials resort to denial, rather than proceeding, forward, they often fail, to implement solutions, to challenges, which need, to be remedied! Never permit politicians to bury - their - head - in - the - sand, rather than focusing on relevant, viable, sustainable solutions, quality strategy, and professionally designed, action plans!

4. Empty rhetoric: All too often, politicians rely on empty rhetoric, and make unfulfilled promises, rather than considering, what's needed, and necessary, and creating a viable, sustainable solution! The electorate must focus on getting things done effectively and properly, rather than permitting politicians, to avoid their personal responsibilities, which should focus on their constituents!

5. Priorities: Why do we permit elected officials, to continue to emphasize, their self - interest, and personal political agenda, over quality policies, etc? Shouldn't the priority be, the common good, of the citizens?

Wake up, America, and demand, your representatives focus on those, who elected them, rather than permitting them to make promises, based on the same - old, same - old, assumptions! If we don't force politicians to govern, using greater common sense, then sensible governing will be an oxymoron! Even more significant and damaging, however, may be, it assumes, the electorate are morons!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

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