By Richard Brody
While nearly everyone has heard, and/ or used the expression, Keep the faith, baby, what precisely, does it mean, and how does doing so, relate to being a quality leader? In order to get through, to those they are entrusted, to lead, relevant leaders realize, and do, all they possibly can, to keep and maintain the FAITH of their constituents, by demonstrating, they earn and deserve it, from others! In my, over four decades, of involvement, in nearly every aspect of leadership, including identifying, qualifying, training, and consulting, to well over a thousand, actual, and/ or potential leaders, as well as serving, several times, as a leader, I have considered, and contemplated, what this means and represents, and why it is, so very essential. With that in mind, this article will examine, consider, and briefly discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and why it's important and relevant.
1. Face facts; future; fruition; fresh: Burying one's head, in the sand, is the enemy of effective leadership! Rather, true leaders, must proceed, with an open - mind, and pay attention, not merely to today's obstacles, and challenges, but how to best proceed, to create and implement a forward - looking, sustainable solution, for the future! One doesn't earn the trust and faith, until/ unless, they expand their personal comfort zone, consider fresh ideas, and persist, to bring their ideas, to fruition!
2. Attitude; attention; aptitude; articulate: It's essential to proceed, with a genuine, positive, can - do, attitude, while paying attention, to every conversation, experience, and observation, and proceeding, appropriately! When one undergoes relevant leadership training, and is prepared, he realizes, his effectiveness, will require, being ready, willing and able, to articulate a message, which inspires, and motivates, for many reasons, while always realizing, he must earn, keep and maintain, the faith of those, he serves and represents.
3. Integrity; ideas; imagination: Will you be able, and willing, to maintain absolute integrity, despite the challenges, and availability of easier, short - cuts, etc? Will you introduce relevant, quality ideas, and use your well - developed, imagination, for the best interest of your organization, and constituents?
4. Timely: Perhaps the greatest obstacle to meaningful leadership, is how readily, and easily, many, in positions of leadership, choose procrastination, rather than accepting, their responsibility, to proceed forward, in a timely, well - considered, manner!
5. Healing; head/ heart: True leaders must prioritize healing wounds, and uniting others, for the common good! To do so, they must use the best, of their logical and emotional components, in a head/ heart balance!
Will you earn, being called, a leader, by keeping the FAITH, of those you serve, and represent? How will you ensure doing so?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook