How Automation Testing Leads to Faster Time to Market

By Griffin Smith

Strong development skills will create great software products.

Many organizations will recognize the crucial role automation testing plays in the software engineering life cycle and adopt a strategic method in which to better utilize their testing resources.

This will allow them to deliver higher quality products faster, and well ahead of their competitors.

This testing has become much more comprehensive and resource intensive, where typical QA cycles that could run and average of two months, can now be shortened to only a few days.

Faster time to market in the modern digital world

This is the key reason for providing immense value to organizations struggling under tremendous pressure to deliver new services and competitive products to their customers.

The best way in which to stay ahead of the curve and accelerate their development and deployment is to speed up the time to market. The only proven, effective method for achieving this is through using automation testing.

The importance of ensuring that all parts of the product in development are functioning in a cohesive manner cannot be overlooked.

Automated testing does not change the code or overall functionality of any software, it in fact streamlines the process of testing, which not only leads to a faster time to market, but a greater ROI by reducing the load amount on the testing and programming teams.

Automation Testing Reduces Time Spent on Doing Repetitive Testing

The results delivered from automated tests are much faster and can be measured 24/7 versus their manual counterpart. Repetitive tasking such as regression tests, unit and load testing are incredibly resource and time intensive and automation is a much better and more efficient solution. The team will see the test results faster and the "heavy lifting" is done by the automated testing tools.

Integrating with CI Pipeline, Automation Testing gives Faster Feedback on Quality

You can achieve continuous integration through automated code compiling and testing. You can also extend to the point where all of the software that passes testing is automatically production deployed.

There are numerous benefits that enhance the quality feedback by integrating with a CI pipeline. Some of the benefits you'll immediately see are:

Reduced Feedback Cycle Time

Increased Quality and Productivity

Error & Risk Reduction

Reduction in Overhead Expenses

Quality Assurance & Foolproof Delivery

When an integrated product is constantly maintained in a state of demonstration, it's easy to appreciate the value.

You can also have a shippable product ready to deliver at the end of any sprint. The predictability of using an established pipeline ensures a quality benchmark.

There are clearly advantages to test automation and the simple fact that the majority of development methodologies can't be executed without the use of automation testing. The need to be faster to market is not an option anymore.

Companies demand that the application in development is not only quickly tested, but has comprehensive test results. Clearly, automation testing is an instrumental part of meeting that need.

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