Free Games to Teach Teens the Bible - Use Your Imagination (7 Tips)

By Stephanie Harbin

A previous article reviewed several Bible games that can be purchased online. However, tight budgets and a lack of funding might pose a problem. For that reason, this article shows you how to create games using your imagination which cost little to nothing - other than your time. In each instance you will need your Bible and a concordance. At length, you will inherit seven simple yet effective strategies that are guaranteed to increase the participants understanding of scriptures, principles, events, vocabulary, and more.

7 Tips

1. Scripture Bee

Do you remember participating in the school spelling bee as a youth? Well this game borrows from that concept. Here, the objective is increasing recall and understanding of scriptures. You present the first portion of the scripture either verbally or visually, and then ask a participant to complete it. For example, you might say, The Lord is my Shepherd. In turn, the participant would complete it by saying, "I shall not want." Then, ask the group to locate and share their reactions to the scripture.

To make things more interesting, divide the class into two groups. Alternate presenting the scriptures to the teams. If one does not know how the answer, defer to the other. Whichever team gets the most scriptures correct wins.

Begin by compiling a list of no less than 100 scriptures. If you have no idea where to begin, select scriptures from the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), the book of Psalm, or Proverbs. Target scriptures concerning a topic, like love or anger. Also, arrange some of your favorites as well as those covered in class.

You can either type your list of scriptures or create a PowerPoint. In regards to the latter, place one scripture on a slide. Appoint a volunteer to read the information from your list or from the screen. By the way, you will need a laptop and projector.

2. Bible Spelling Bee

Create a list of Bible vocabulary along with the names of people, places, events, and things. Divide the group into two teams. One person from each team must correctly spell whatever you pick from the list. After the person spells it, he or she must say where it is mentioned in the Bible.

Each time the person answers correctly, the group gains one point. If the group does not know the answer, move on to the next group. The team with the most points wins.

3. Bible Facts

Generate a list of Bible facts. For example, Noah built the arc. However, twist some of the statements to make them false. Like, King Saul was from the tribe of Judah. Type the statements or write them by hand.

Then, purchase several packs of index cards. Get a variety of colors to correspond to different categories (I.e blue for people, yellow for vocabulary, white for events, and so on). Next, cut the strips of paper and tape them to one side of the index card; the other side will name the category.

Divide the class into two groups. Explain that each group can select a statement from one of the categories. Present the statement and ask if it is true or false. Whenever the statement is not true, and explanation has to be given.

4. Bible Books Card Deck

This game helps participants learn the books of the Bible, where they're located, and major themes. Write or type the name of a book on one side of an index card and a prompt (question or statement) related to the theme, places, people, or events. You will end up with 66 cards.

Ask a participant to select a card from the deck and respond to the prompt. Continue this process until each person has had the opportunity to pull a card from the deck.

5. Pick Your Fruit

Write the name of each fruit of the spirit on a separate index card. Since there are nine fruits, you will have 9 cards. Each week a volunteer will pull a card, and it becomes the topic of the day.

Next, break the class into two groups. Direct them to develop a list of 100 ways to demonstrate that particular fruit. For example, if the kindness card is selected, each group will brainstorm 100 ways to demonstrate kindness. The team that reaches the designated amount first wins.

6. Who Said It

Using your Bible, compose a list of scriptures that are direct quotes from people like Jesus, Solomon, David, Daniel, Nehemiah, the disciples, Paul, and the prophets. Read the scripture and ask the participants to identify who said it.

7. Bible Hand Ball

Take several prompts - thought-provoking statements or questions about the Bible - and tape them to a ball. Toss the ball and instruct participants to respond to the prompt under their hand.

You're invited to visit to receive a FREE special report on resources for parents, educators, facilitators, and trainers. Stephanie Harbin, a motivational speaker and training specialist has developed and presented a wide range of programs for business, government, educational institutions, and nonprofits. Her focus is on leadership, strategy, training, career and personal development.

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