DC Politicians' Art Of The STEAL

By Richard Brody

Since, the theory of our system of government, is based on elected officials, focusing on, and serving the best interests, of those, who voted them in, to represent and serve, the well - being of the nation, and all its citizens, shouldn't these public officials, be held responsible for the relevance, quality, and sustainability, of their actions, rather than, merely, by their promises, and empty rhetoric? Wouldn't it be wonderful, if, once elected, politicians were transformed, somewhat, magically, into statesmen, and emphasized the common good, and the best course of action, to achieve quality objectives? In 2016, Americans elected, a Republican majority, in Congress, as well as their candidate for President, Donald Trump, who was previously, best known, as a businessman, reality show star, and author of the best - selling book, The Art of the Deal. Unfortunately, in recent times, we've been witnessing, Washington D.C.'s politicians, have proceeded, with a focus on, The Art of the STEAL. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, review, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this is, perhaps, not, in the best interests, of our nation, and/ or citizens.

1. Self - interest; self - service: Who is being served by our elected officials, our citizens, or the self - interest, of those, in office? It often seems, it's been all about, their personal agendas, and serving themselves, rather than the rest of us! Since our taxes pay their salaries, this behavior equates to stealing, from the rest of us! It seems, ethics has become, little more than, an oxymoron, because, the so - called, public servants, are serving no one, except themselves, and, perhaps, some of their specific, political donors!

2. Treatment: Our country is based on the concept, that all men are created equal, and equal, fair treatment, for all! However, when Mr. Trump articulates a populist message, which tends to pit American against American, and introduces policies, which appear to treat one group differently, and better, than another, we must ask, why! Most objective observers, have recognized, the agendas of the largest Political Action Committees, or PAC's, and certain larger donors, has, to a very large degree, dominated the conversation!

3. Enriched; exercise: Who is being enriched, and why? When it seems, democracy is becoming a forgotten, exercise, rather than dedicated to the freedoms and liberties, America has always stood for, and represented, we must ask why, and demand better!

4. Attitude; attention; articulate: When Trump was a candidate, he often campaigned, by blaming and complaining, about others, and what has been! Unfortunately, rather than Draining the Swamp, as he proclaimed, he would do, there has been a record number of ethical issues, with this administration. We must demand, elected officials represent all Americans, not merely, their supporters, etc!

5. Losers; learn: President Trump often speaks about winning, and the need to do so, more often. However, when his definition of winning, creates certain winners, and many losers, in a disproportionate manner, we are not being well - served! Our leaders must learn from the past, yet our present government appears, to ignore many of these lessons, and America, as we've always known it, suffers!

Demand an end to the politician's Art of the STEAL! We can, should, and deserve better!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

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