Chasing the Behemoth - Melting Icebergs

By Niharika Joshi


Behemoth of a nature's force, the glaciers rule all weather changes ever since earth was born. Today we have numerous reports by acclaimed climate activists which talk of facts, only brisking our fears. But, how far has anyone reached to transcend the extreme barriers of climate and bring out a set of information that can do wonders in saving environment? Global awareness on climate is rising but slowing on account of efforts that can pull us out of rising greenhouse emissions, by us folks.

My basic understanding of psychology says that us, fickle humans tend to believe next to anything that is dawned upon us with stress. That is what technology cum globalization has done to us. But James Balog and his Extreme Ice Survey (EIS), a 2012 endeavor, knew this generation needs a real eye-opener when it comes to climate

Alaska, Greenland and Iceland were the three chosen destinations. Mind-wrenching technology of time-lapse photography such, that could just set the tongues wagging.. White was never this serene, and blue couldn't get any deeper; he was literally chasing it. The shots were magnificent for photographers; horribly alarming for global population surviving on planet earth. After all, the public needs to see what effects it has on climate.

That said, the facts deduced from this trove of climatic data on gigantic glaciers range from rudimentary to extreme nuances: its effects on sea level rising. Global warming, despite of continuous, deliberate mentions at all levels of human existence is still like an alarm on snooze. It is time to take our mission and vision up a notch where each person works his bit to reduce his possible contributions in pollution. I see no rhyme or reason in government and weather agencies policing campaigns. There is something more, like Chasing Ice taught us: an untenable will to fulfill your dream and what an ideal human on earth should do to save our home. Save it for the future.

We are on the verge of critical carbon emission-wise breakdown that is certain to gravitate to our current generation less than in a century. Whiners or wieners- if still on the fence do not have any option- but to take healthier steps towards environment themselves and make others also hit the same.

All I wish to convey is that the world needs people like James Balog who understand that our only home, planet earth is a responsibility of them. Well, if you haven't, you must frequent his talks and reports for an insight into alarming facts of glacier melt downs and of course, watch the award-winning documentary Chasing Ice.

There has always been something about Chasing Ice. It gives me chills even today when I recall the visuals of depletion. When I saw it on Netflix, all things ricocheted like a terrific thud. It moved me; made me ponder of both magnificence and near-death of ice at poles: the climate control room of earth. Their weakening, led to mine.

We have a lot to read and see, mourn and do nothing about it. But that is not how one is supposed to respond to this set of data. A little more responsibility and action; a little less complaining. That is all. I am just 20. If it can hit me in an era of streamings and unreasonable content that floods the internet, it can, it has to hot everyone soon. I am ready to do more of my bit. I hope the same from you.

This article serves an insight into what is happening around the globe when it comes to climate. Though an intermediary to introduce you to one of the pioneering climate activists and my inspiration, James Balog, it is meant to expand the vision of all young and potent towards climate change.

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