What Is So Special About Dakshinawarti Shankh?

What Is So Special About Dakshinawarti Shankh?

By Chinmay Shankar

Hindu Scriptures mention Shankha (Shells) as a sacred and religious object that evokes the divinity. As per the beliefs of Sanatan Dharma, the significance of a conch shell is of higher order than that of any religious objects as it is associated with Vishnu-Laxmi and other Gods and Goddesses.

Shankhas, usually come in two variants- sometimes three, namely Vamavarti, Madhyavarti and Dakshinavarti. There are further sub types to each conch shells which are associated with different Gods and Goddesses. Out of these, Vamavarti Shankh is commonly available but Dakshinavarti Shankh is very rare. Considered a rare jewel, this right handed conch shell is marked by its counter-clockwise coils. This different feature has let it earn the status and significance of a divine entity. In Skanda Purana, it has been said that bathing Vishnu with a Dkshinavarti Shankha grants the devotee freedom from the sins of seven previous births.

Even in their description of Gods and Goddesses, they are depicted holding conch shells in their hands. As per Atharva Veda, conch shells defeats one's enemies (Shankhen Hatva Rakshansi). Keeping it at the place of worship brings wealth, good luck and prosperity to the individual and the family.

Since, Shankha is one of fourteen ratnas extracted from Samudra Manthan that came along with Goddess Laxmi, thus it is also called Laxmi Bhrata (Brother of Laxmi) which is why scriptures say that the Goddess of Wealth resides in a home where a Shankha is kept at the place of worship. Vishwamitra Samhita and Goraksha Samhita have termed Dakshinavarti Shankh as the wealth and health creator for the families. If filled with water and sprinkled around any premises, it tones down adverse planetary effects and brings peace to the ambience.

The benefits of a Dakshinavarti Shankh are abounds:

• It brings prosperity, abundance and peace.
• Filling it with water and sprinkling around premises reduces evil forces.
• As a propagator of knowledge and divinity, it is good for the enlightenment of students and professionals alike.

A wonderful divine object from the Vastu perspective, right hand conch shell is the one that connects our ordinary, mortal mind with the supreme consciousness. With the flow of energy and five elements, it channelizes the focus and churns out goodness from the chaotic world out there.

When we talk about    Hindu spiritual products, it is often found that not enough care is taken to understand the requirements of customers by sellers. Rare as it is, Dakshinvarti Shankh should be bought only after being ensured of the quality that is offered.

At Srie Connections, we understand ethnic and traditional value of each and every product which are sourced from nature and crafted with care and delivered at your doorstep with the right professional expertise. To order your Dakshinavarti Shankh visit our website mentioned bellow.

Srie Connections is serving the society with of spiritual pooja goods. The major area of business is into hindu religious products that include rudraksha, spatika, precious and semi-precious gems, conch etc. http://srieconnections.com/


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Article Source: What Is So Special About Dakshinawarti Shankh?

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