Understanding Worship

By Paul W Hoffmaster

Worship is probably one of the most misunderstood words in the Christian vocabulary. Many churches promote singing and emotional energy as worship. "Worship teams" strive to energize the assembled Believers into a conglomerate of "worshippers." Much of the music is selected to stimulate the physical senses. If the music leaders can get people to feel the presence of God, they have achieved their objective. If the evidence of God's presence is in feelings, than we don't need faith! Many times "worship teams" become the focus of interest. Instead of setting our affections on the One who is worthy, we are busy observing the singers expressions and the clothing they are wearing. What is the purpose of "worship teams?" Do the assembled Believers really need the "varsity team" of music to lead them to the place of adoration and worship? More and more churches are attempting to present a venue of entertainment instead of a center of holiness. There is so much organization in our services that we wonder how long God will have to stay on "stage right" until the religious rituals have run their course. Time restraints order the activities of the service. If a service runs over the universal norm of 75 minute, there is restlessness or a coughing epidemic by the assembled. I don't know how it is possible to effectively worship in the time frame that is allotted in a service. What I am seeing is that what is called "worship" is actually Praise. Praise can be limited to a designated time of expression, whereas worship is an open experience that has no time limits. I have no problem with "Praise Teams." They are like cheerleaders that urge the assembled to get involved in the service by praising and rejoicing.

What really constitutes worship? Worship originates, and is released through the spirit of man, whereas Praise is released through the conscious will of man. Worship is an internal posture of homage and reverence that is clothed in adoration. Praise is an external exhibiting of the reality of God's grace through vocal and physical posturing. Worship is not contingent upon feelings, but upon faith. Worship is prostrating oneself so that God is the only One standing. Worship is void of self reflection and is only conscious of the Triune God.

Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman revealed what constituted true Worship. She shared that worship was only done in the location that their "Fathers" had designated. She told Jesus that the Jews claimed one had to worship in Jerusalem. (John 4:20) Jesus dismissed her assumption by telling her that the time was coming when location would not display worship. He stated that, "True worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and Truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him." Since God is a Spirit, people must worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:20-24) Worship is not dependent upon a location; rather, it happens any place where man's spirit joins with the Holy Spirit to pay homage, honor, and adoration to the Creator. When is the last time we actually worshipped? When is the last time we placed all our energy at the disposal of our Creator? When is the last time we set our "timer" aside and basked in His presence? When we truly enter the Holy of Holies, we don't look for an easy exit as time seems to stand still.

Today, "worship leaders" attempt to bring the assembled into worship, but only for a brief stay because of scheduling requirements. The visit to the Throne Room of God is a limited engagement due to the necessity of filling the required ritual of the service. It would be better never to pursue Worship than to make a token gesture of reverencing and adoring God only to excuse ourselves due to other pressing religious acts.

God seeks our worship, and the only way we can fulfill this is in spirit and truth! (John 4:24)

Article Source:  Understanding Worship

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