Wouldn't we all be better served, if our public officials, thought. far less, about politics, and their political agenda, and more about, how to meet the existing, as well as sustainable needs, of our citizens, and nation? Either, because the American electorate, has traditionally, bought - into, empty rhetoric and promises, rather than paying attention, and demanding viable solutions, and approaches, where, both current needs/ challenges, as well as sustainability, were emphasized, those, serving in elected positions, appear to feel, they can get away, with their present approach. With that in mind, this article will attempt to review, consider, and briefly discuss, why we need, to demand, these individuals follow the ZIPREFS approach, using the mnemonic approach.
1. Zero - based budget: Perhaps, because it's the simpler, more convenient approach, to merely proceed, in a somewhat, lazy way, than to take the time, and make the effort, to analyze, what has worked/ is working, and what is not, than focusing on creating a viable plan, focused on the best way, to proceed, and budget, accordingly. This means, eliminating, or changing things which are no longer relevant, or are ineffective, and prioritizing the most relevant, sustainable needs, by thinking, outside - the - box. A zero - based - budget, means using this mindset, and preparing one's financial planning, based on, only being mandated, to include contracted items, and making, every effort, to use budgeting, as a significant component, of addressing needs, and priorities, in a relevant, sustainable manner. Unfortunately, we are presently witnessing, a time, when our politicians proceed, without discipline, and seem to be putting off, sustainable behavior, at the risk of harming future generations!
2. Integrity: Most polls indicate, most Americans consider politicians, to be, lacking in integrity, because they witness, President Trump, according to political fact - checkers, to average nearly 6 mis - statements/ lies, per day, and Congress, seemingly unwilling to take a principled stand!
3. Priorities: Whose priorities are these officials, focusing on, their personal, self - interest, and agenda, or the common good?
4. Relevant; realistic: Rather than, merely, using empty rhetoric, and promises, rather than being realistic, and introducing relevant solutions, would clearly be helpful, to this nation!
5. Eliminate waste, and pork: Have you noticed how little, these politicians, actually achieve, and accomplish? Why is there so much waste, while many things, which might actually help, the needed, are neglected? It seems, in order to pass any legislation, deals are made, and much, so - called, pork, which is unrelated to the supposed goal of the law, is included, merely to accumulate and gather the necessary votes!
6. Fair: Shouldn't the goal of our leaders, to promote the fairest system, and pass laws, with fairness, as a priority, rather than, focusing on a political agenda, and/ or self - interest?
7. Social safety - net: After passing tax legislation, which is anticipated, will increase the deficit, by $1.5 trillion, some majority party, political leaders, are discussing, reducing this, by reducing the quality and degree of support, for programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Shouldn't providing reliable support to our social safety - net, and protecting our most needy citizens, be a priority?
Wake up America, and demand, your representatives, focus on ZIPREFS! Apathy is the enemy of quality representation!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all
Article Source: The American Public Would Benefit If Leaders Used ZIPREFS, Not Politics