Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

By George N Anderson

Rhinoplasty is a medical procedure for the nose and it is often referred to as "Nose Job". Rhinoplasty can be performed if you have any issues with the structure of your nose, right from the birth or if you have breathing issues. By performing rhinoplasty, you can change the size, position and width of your nose.

A rhinoplasty surgery can also be performed if there is a bump on the nose or also to correct an enlarged tip. Typically, rhinoplasty is performed either using an open procedure or a closed procedure.

Open Rhinoplasty

Endonasal Rhinoplasty

Open Rhinoplasty:

When performing an open rhinoplasty surgery the incisions are made from outside the nose. The open rhinoplasty surgery opens up the nose completely, which gives a better visual of the nasal structure. There will be a small scar at the base of the nose which would be hardly visible after the surgery is done.

Endonasal Rhinoplasty:

When performing an endonasal rhinoplasty surgery the incisions are made inside the nasal structure. Surgeons believe that endonasal Rhinoplasty gives them a clear view of the nasal structure. Unlike the open Rhinoplasty, this surgery completely eliminates the scar at the base of the nose.

Once a rhinoplasty surgery is done the results will last a lifetime. So, it is better you plan the surgery once your nose is fully developed so that the later growth will not disturb your surgery.

Now, the most important part of the surgery would be how you choose your surgeon. Deciding which plastic surgeon performs rhinoplasty will have lasting positive or negative effects. There are many plastic surgeon's out there, but choosing the best one will give you the best results. Below are the few tips to help you choose the right surgeon:

Doctor should be well experienced and should have good knowledge about what procedure he/she is about to do on you as a patient.

He/she should be a certified surgeon and you should also check on his review from his previous patients.

He/she should be able to answer all your queries regarding your procedure.

He/she should clearly explain you the complications and risks associated with the surgery and what you should expect after the surgery.

He/she should be able to prepare you mentally for the procedure.

Being a plastic surgeon, he/she should go above and beyond to give you a "wow" experience.

Review the surgeon's before/after pictures of previous patients.

Lastly, but most importantly the surgeon should make you feel comfortable and should display excellent skills and manners when handling patients. Not only the doctor, but the entire staff should be able to make you feel at ease which would help bring out the best results for the rhinoplasty surgery.

If you are considering Rhinoplasty, the above information hopefully will help you make a better decision on whether you need it and who you choose to perform this surgery for you. A nose job not only can have great health benefits but can make you more confident in your appearance.

George N Anderson is a freelance writer, blogger, and entrepreneur. He loves reading, traveling, staying current with new trends, and sharing useful sites like Am Facial Plastics, that offers treatments for Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Facelift and non-surgical Cosmetic procedures.

Article Source:  Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

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