With an abrupt rise in technology, we experienced the ultra modern tools to enhance our style of living. This has even parted the traditional examination system to active computer based exam. Earlier, it was registrations that will take near about 4-5 months to enroll the interested set of candidates by filling and submitting a long list of documents. Now, the entire selection ranging from the registration, admit card generation, distribution of admit cards, examination and result declaration, all gets winded up in the same time frame. This has reduced the unnecessary human effort that requires more time and concentration to present the final reports. Along with this, the overall expense to conduct an examination has also reduced a major extent via CBT (Computer based Test) examination system.
Listed below are a few of the important advantages of appearing in the computer based test;
- Time Management
The online examinations demand less of human interaction. Earlier, the students have to listen to the invigilator, require more time to highlight the correct response and make use of specific pen or pencil that will be acceptable to mark an answer.
- Seamless Internet Connection
The computer based exam is conducted using a Local Area Network (LAN). This offers a glitch-free exposure to the student for examination. In these exams, there are no worries of question paper leaking or cheating among the adjusting set of applicants.
- Basic Knowledge of a Computer
Candidates appearing in a system based examination just require basic knowledge of computer. This includes the familiarity to operate a keyboard and mouse. Meanwhile, an aspirant does get the option to go back and review the previous responses marked for the questions.
- Easy Amendment to Marked Responses
This is an add-on feature over the pen-pencil based examination. Using this, a student can easily review the responses marked and change the answer if required to do so in a computer based test. Where, as in a pen-pencil based paper the student cannot change the response if marked in an OMR sheet by pen. In order to mark correction if the candidate marks two responses for a question then would be considered as a negative answer for the OMR based question paper.
- Rough Sheets for Calculations
No worries to the rough work, each of the students will get adequate rough sheets to solve the numerical problems with ease. This helps them to easily conclude the answer for long and lengthy problem that requires more of calculations and analysis.
- No Partiality
While appearing in a computer based test the candidate will get exactly the same time to solve and submit the responses for the examination. Once a student, clicks on start button then only the timer gets started for the defined duration by the examination authorizes. With seamless internet connection the student has to mark the tentative set of responses. This provides fair allocation of time and resources to all the competing students assuring a transparent selection hierarchy.
So, practice and prepare more using the online examination system that is the future to analyze the knowledge of the appearing aspirant. This is easy to appear, requires basic knowledge of computer, flexibility to change responses, sheets for calculation, symmetric platform and more.