By Unintelligent Design

By Dr. Tim G Williams

One has to wonder ever since the 1990's how the United States plummeted from being the stalwart nation of the world to now a mere shadow of its former self. Some believe we have only ourselves to blame for the election of Donald Trump. While others put it more bluntly on the power brokers of both political parties and the main stream media. Maybe it was all by unintelligent design. We have to remember that the Democratic party did everything possible including fracturing the rule of law by thwarting Bernie Sanders nomination. Then there was of course the media frenzy covering Trump's swagger, profanity, and uncouth demure. Lest we forget all the millions of dollars lavishly spent in securing the Republican nomination. No other candidate could come close in media coverage of the Trump campaign.

We had the two least popular and unqualified candidates securing their party's nomination. In retrospect the unintelligent design here is that both party bosses became complicit in what is now an American travesty and today's real American tragedy. Now, even more discerning is the fact that right after the Parkland school shooting Congress and the President did very little to console the public and offer real authentic solutions so that another violent attack on our citizens won't happen again. Instead thousand of young protesters have taken the call for action. Yet, our legislatures continue to lack the conviction to put legislation in place banning assault weapons.

We have to really wonder is this all by unintelligent design. It seems that too many of our elected officials including President Trump and his half baked cabinet are all too consumed with an agenda that is contrary to the public's interest. An agenda scripted to repeat the travesties of the past that have placed the United States on the endangered nations list.

When new renewable energy sources are now being available like Nano Crystal Technology should be a no brainer in encouraging the government to implement this new source of energy to secure our energy needs now and for the future. An energy source that will save this planet from the ravages that we are still doing by still being dependent on the energy sources of the 20th century. Today, we have the power brokers, too many brain dead legislatures and an Administration unable to comprehend the significance that this emerging energy source will have on not only on our future but the worlds. The continuing profits from fossil fuels have cemented their lack of ability to mobilize every effort to usher in the future.

Meanwhile, thousands of our citizens continue to press our elected officials to do the right thing in putting legislation in place to show that our congress actually works for us and not the other way around. The unintelligent design here again is that profits continue to take precedent over the sanctity of life. That goes for authentic gun laws that would save thousand of innocent lives. A law that would ban assault type weapons. The sanctity of life is also preserved by implementing the energy sources of the future that are already available.

The future would be bright indeed if we had intelligent design in our government. Yet, today the unintelligent designs of our leaders have made the future bleak for millions not only here but all over the world. We do have the means, the ability and the capability but what is lacking is the conviction of our leaders to heed the lessons that history teaches us so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past.

Article Source:  By Unintelligent Design

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