As with all things seasons come and go and we all get old. Some age with dignity and grace while others succumb to illness or injury. It is these poor souls who suffer a more debilitating fate. In this the spring of 2018 when science and medicine have reached new heights there still remains an overwhelming urgency to stem the rising tide of all the inflections of so many.
In an age of unprecedented change the United States remains the last hold-out that will not provide adequate health insurance for all. Health insurance that secures the health and stability of a nation. If you are one of the overwhelming majority of impoverished the cold reality today is akin to a famous line from Charles Dickens " Scrooge." The life saving drugs, treatments and operations that should be available to all are reserved for those fortunate few that can afford them.
With the Republican mindset of today with too many elected officials still beholden to the insurance lobby our for profit health insurance policies have only put this nations health in grave jeopardy. When a nations health is as sick as ours while millions of dollars keeps flowing into the campaign coffers of our elected officials continues to be a recipe for disaster. It is a known fact that the United States spends billions of dollars in health care but, is by far one of the least healthiest nation. The death care policies of today has only shortened life spans for both men and women. Other countries especially Sweden or Norway have one of the healthiest populations in the world and spend far less than the United States.
It is unconscionable that millions of Americans continue to languish in dire need of medical or dental care. Health care that not only would greatly add to the quality of life but would produce economic results beneficial to the stability and growth of this nation. Too many times a bill has come before Congress that outlines Universal Health Care. From Truman to Ted Kennedy the passage of Universal Health Care that they so valiantly tried to pass died a tragic death on the floors of Congress. When Obama passed the Affordable Health Care Act in 2010 was a small step in the right direction but failed to adequately provide health insurance for all Americans. All that bill did was fatten the insurance companies wallets while depleting what ever disposable incomes too many Americans have.
The travesty in America today is that our elected officials no longer see themselves as employees of the public but see the public as their employees. And, as such the public continues to be denied the opportunities to lead richer and fuller lives. When the soap opera in the White House finally reaches the final act, I hope very soon, makes it essential that Congress passes Senator Sanders Medicare For All, a Universal Health Care bill.
The United States can no longer sit idle and let this country as sick as it is remain the only country that does not take care of all it's citizens. We have to always remember the health, vitality and stability of a nation depends on the health and vitality of all it's citizens. Only in this way can this nation have a longer and more productive future.
Article Source: A Population Denied