6 Positive Approaches We Deserve From Elected Officials

6 Positive Approaches We Deserve From Elected Officials

By Richard Brody

We go, to the polls, and vote for individuals, who, will hopefully, focus on serving and representing, our best interests, the ideals of the nation/ our society, and the common good. Unfortunately, far too often, we elect someone, because, either we believe, he's the lesser of two evils, or are overly impressed by empty promises, and rhetoric. Often, politicians resort to negativity, and vitriol, rather than focusing on how to proceed, because, while it's somewhat, easy, to blame, and complain, this approach, rarely introduces necessary, viable solutions. Therefore, this article will attempt to briefly examine, and discuss, 6 positive approaches, we deserve and need, from our elected, public officials.

1. Motivate - don't go negative!: Regardless of one's personal, political beliefs, and/ or preferences, it should be somewhat apparent, that, at the present time, we are experiencing a level of polarization, and adversarial politics, which is, unhealthy, for a sustainable future. Only, when voters recognize, it matters, who they vote for, and why, will we select leaders, who motivate us, for the common good, rather than resorting to negativity, and rhetoric, focused on vitriol, and division! Whether one supports (or voted for) President Donald Trump, his penchant for name - calling, blaming and complaining, and his populist approach, is often opposed to, the best interests, and sustainability of the nation.

2. Unify, don't polarize: When Americans focus on coming together, for the common good, it unifies us, and lets us, position ourselves, positively, towards a quality, sustainable future, which protects the freedoms and liberties, this nation represents, and becoming a leader, in the world, for protecting the environment (including clean air, and water), etc.

3. Solutions, not just blaming and complaining: Many voters cast their ballots, for candidates, who complain about issues, which they are concerned about. Unfortunately, merely blaming and complaining, does not create solutions. When we hear, someone speak about change, the end - result, is generally, only satisfying, when it, is, for the better, in a meaningful way, which emphasizes sustainability, and evolving methods and approaches.

4. Outside - the - box, alternatives, not, same - old, same - old: While there is a need, to learn from the past, and gain the necessary experience, expertise, and judgment, one must be willing to transform his methods, approaches, pursuits, and options, considered, by being, ready, willing and able, to consider, outside - the - box, alternatives, with an open - mind, rather than proceeding, within the limits of one's comfort zone!

5. Under - promise, and over - deliver: Empty rhetoric and promises, is not meaningful leadership, which the nations needs, and citizens need, and deserve! Focus on voting for those candidates, who under - promise, and over - deliver, because they are prepared, to make a significant difference, for the better!

6. Relevant and sustainable, not populist: Some candidates, are elected because they articulate populist views, and positions, even though, often, these are not in the longer - term, relevant, sustainable, best - interests of our nation!

Wake up America, because it's up to voters, to take some personal responsibility, and elect officials, who will serve and represent constituents, rather than merely a political agenda, and/ or self - interest! Will you look, beyond the rhetoric and promises, and focus on the best possible future?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source:  6 Positive Approaches We Deserve From Elected Officials

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