For a variety of reasons, we continue to witness, public officials, who are either, unwilling, or, not ready, to fully consider the potential ramifications of their actions (or procrastination), and, often, proceed, in a populist - oriented, direction! When we place a band - aid, on a major wound (issue), while it might, create some, perceived, and/ or actual, short - term, benefits, until/ unless, it, is formulated, with the future needs, and sustainability, it has the potential to do, far more, longer - term, harm, than short - term benefit! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, consider, and discuss, 5 scenarios, where ramifications, should be thoroughly, considered, before there is long - term, harm.
1. Environmental/ climate change: Although, nearly all climate and environmental scientists, agree, we are experiencing, climate change, and, one major factor, is human interactions, President Donald Trump, has publicly proclaimed, he does not believe climate change, is true, and, when one, evaluates, his policy positions, and the behavior/ actions (or lack of), by the Department of Environmental Protection (E.P.A.), the emphasis, certainly seems to be on reducing regulations, permitting energy exploration, protecting far fewer sites, and, even, going back, to the time, when dumping into our waterways, and polluting the air, were acceptable, and the norm. We should, and must, do, all we can, to protect, and preserve, our planet, making it, as sustainable, as possible, for generations, which follow!
2. Economic: The recent, so - called, tax reform, legislation, or tax cut, was, more a political attempt, to gain popularity, than a well - formulated policy. Since the vast majority of benefits, go to the corporations, and wealthiest 1%, and we should have learned, from history, Trickle - Down Economics, has never worked, the apparent disrespect for providing a responsible budget, and/ or reducing/ handling deficits, responsibly, will create enormous deficits, which will, most probably, endanger, the economic, well - being, of future Americans.
3. Diplomatic: The President's, America First, approach, potentially, endangers, our relationships, with other nations, around the world. While, historically, the United States, has been considered, the guiding force, and strongest voice for freedom and liberty, Trump's confrontational approach, may put the world, at risk, as we presently, know and understand it!
4. Peace: While, there will always be some pockets of strife and fighting, around the world, shouldn't the prevailing goal, to inspire and motivate, the world, to agree, to disagree, and seek, peace, or, at least, a willingness, to get along, and replace, warfare, with conversations, and discussions. With today's weapons, any fighting, potentially, could become catastrophic!
5. Rights: The major, differentiation, between our nation, and the rest of the world, has, historically, been our commitment to protecting human rights, and respecting all freedoms, and liberties, with an open - heart, and open - mind.
The constant rhetoric, vitriol, and empty promises, focusing on short - term, popularity, rather than relevance, and sustainability, has many potential, longer - term, negative ramifications! It's up to the electorate, to ignore the rhetoric, and focus on the visions, ideas, and solutions!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:
Article Source: 5 Ramifications Of Myopic Public Leadership