4 Ramifications Of Believing, Trusting, Arming So-Called Allies

By Richard Brody

On many occasions, in the history of the United States of America, those, in positions of leadership, determined, and decided, it was a good decision, to provide a variety of weapons, to certain other nations. Often, these choices were made, with the best of intentions, and the beliefs, we were serving the best - interests of human rights, and democracy. However, on many of these occasions, sooner, or later, these arms, ended up, in what we later believed, were threats. The current American administration, seems to believe, their judgment is sound, and well - considered, and appears, to pay little, to no attention, to history, and rather, proceeds, according, to some, gut - instinct! President Trump has articulated a message, which states, he believes, for example, Russia's Putin, when he claims, Russia, and he, are innocent, of much of the public perceptions, etc. His focus seems on selling weapons, to those we support, or, at least, oppose perceived enemies. This, The enemy of our enemy, is our friend, mindset, either is an income producing, genius move, or a potentially, dangerous one! With that in mind, this article will attempt to consider, review, and briefly discuss, 4 potential ramifications, of this approach.

1. Naive: Either Donald Trump, truly believes, he knows more than many of the experts, or he is proceeding, in a naive way! When a leader does not learn from history, he often, ends up, repeating the same mistakes!

2. A deal, at any cost: Trump has always believed, he is a master, of the art, of the deal! He articulates the need, for constantly winning, often, apparently without considering the potential ramifications, and costs of doing so. This may explain his determination to provide arms, for certain Middle - Eastern nations, who also oppose common enemies, as well as other, somewhat questionable, leanings! America only wins, when decisions focus on both relevant, and sustainable possibilities, rather than merely political, and/ or populist ones!

3. Today's allies may be tomorrow's enemies: Our President seems to consider, for example, Qatar, to be an enemy, and has agreed to sell large quantities to Saudi Arabia, to protect, perceived, common interests. However, this may be short - sighted, considering the behavior of that nation's leader, in terms of how, he came to power. We need our leaders, to learn from history, and proceed, carefully, with an eye, to the safest future!

4. What is the basis of the deal/ policy? It's often, quite challenging, to clearly identify, the essential basis, of how, any deal, and/ or policy, is created, and designed. What is the purpose, and basis, and why does it make sense, both, in the immediate, as well as longer - term?

A foreign leader may be worthy of our trust, or not, and determining, which, is often, a potentially dangerous, approach. However, when this also includes, arming them, with a significant amount of weaponry, any, ill - conceived action, has potentially, dire consequences!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source:  4 Ramifications Of Believing, Trusting, Arming So-Called Allies

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