How To Maintain A CLEAR Head
Nearly everyone knows, or has heard, Robert Frost's line, If you can keep your head, while those around you, lose theirs, yet, very few consider precisely what it represents, especially, in terms of serving as a relevant, effective, meaningful leader! One's options, in terms of how one responds to conflicts, etc, includes, either doing so calmly, or losing one's head, and resorting to panic, which often creates relatively unproductive, negativity, etc. Quality leadership necessitates clear - minded thinking, and exceptional perception, so, as to proceed, consistency, with the highest degree of CLEAR thinking, which will always, optimize one's potential, and ability to make the wisest decisions, and determinations! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine and review, using the mnemonic method, what this means, and represents, and how to do so.
1. Character; cooperate; calm; choice: Do you believe you have the quality, of character, the best leaders need? Will you seek, to consistently cooperate, and obtain a well - intentioned, meeting - of - the - minds, for the common good, rather than resorting to an adversarial manner, and the unproductive behavior, of blaming and complaining? Meaningful leaders realize they must remain calm and clear - headed, in order to be, as productive as possible, and make the best choices!
2. Listen; learn; leadership: Rather than proceeding with a My way or the highway, mindset, clear - thinking leaders, maintain the discipline and willingness, to prioritize effectively listening, and learning from every conversation and experience! True leadership only occurs, when one avoids remaining within the restraints of his personal, comfort zone, and clearly, proceeds forward!
3. Energize; empathy; emphasis; excellence: What might you be willing to do, in order to energize, your organization, and stakeholders, in a well - considered, relevant way? Will you prioritize quality empathy, so you place your emphasis, as it might best produce the level of excellence, your group needs and deserves?
4. Analyze; astute; attention; attitude: How might anyone effectively analyze, how to proceed, until/ unless he pays keen attention, in a fully considered, astute way? This requires a commitment to consistently maintaining a positive, can - do, attitude, without any restrictive pre - judgments!
5. Relevant; reasonable; responsive; rationale: Until/ unless one is willing to articulate his rationale and reasoning, in a reasonable, responsive manner, how can he possibly provide clear - cut leadership? Those who maintain a clear head, position themselves, to make reasonable, well - considered decisions, which are most relevant and significant!
Will you be ready, willing and able, to proceed, consistently, despite any temptation to respond, and react, impulsively, with a CLEAR head? The finest leaders do so!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
Article Source: How To Maintain A CLEAR Head