We Need Positive Political Leaders

By Richard Brody

It generally doesn't do society much good, to look back, and believe, as Paul Simon wrote, with differing lyrics (at different times in his life), Everything looks worse (or better) in black - and - white! Many feel, we are presently witnessing, a period, focused more on blaming and complaining, and empty rhetoric and/ or promises, rather than introducing relevant, sustainable solutions! Whether one is a Democrat, or Republican, or considers himself, liberal, conservative, or moderate, it's essential to recognize and realize, we rarely benefit, in any meaningful manner, when the conversation focuses on blaming and complaining, rather than well - developed and considered, viable solutions and planning! In November, 2016, Americans elected Donald J. Trump, as President of the United States, largely based on a combination of his personality, how he was perceived, and his rhetoric, including his campaign slogan (which he continues to use), Make America Great Again. Unfortunately, we rarely improve by going backward, and Trump's emphasis, has been, more on negativity, than implementing positive solutions. This article will briefly examine and consider, 5 relevant considerations, in this regard.

1. Can - do solutions, versus blame and complain: Blaming and complaining doesn't get things done, effectively, because, while a politician, may attract political support, by using rhetoric and vitriol, and promising a return to some imaginary past, we only achieve our best, when we are led, by individuals, with positive, can - do, solutions!

2. Common good, versus personal agenda: Mr. Trump speaks of the need for bi - partisan participation, while often proceeding, to exclude anyone with differing opinions and/ or approaches! This President spends more time, discussing how wonderful he is, or making comparisons, with predecessors, than focusing on the common good. We have witnessed this, during legislative battles, regarding tax reform and health care, where Trump, has spent more time, attempting to undo Obama's legacy, than serving our nation and citizens!

3. Change, for the better, versus, for - change - sake: Politicians often speak of making changes, but, what is needed, is change, for change - sake, but making changes, where they might most benefit, our country and citizens.

4. Focus on cooperation, versus polarization: Where do you believe, we'd be better served, if our elected officials would focus on cooperating, and achieving benefits, for the electorate, or what, appears, to be occurring, which is an over - reliance, on empty rhetoric and vitriol, which has the effect of creating polarization?

5. Protect all freedoms, versus selective ones: President Trump, often, uses his application of freedom, selectively, because of his emphasis, on calling much of the media, or Free Press, Fake News, as well as attacking anyone who says, writes or questions, any of his actions and/ or activities. While it is an American freedom, to make oppositional statements, because of Freedom of Speech, we need leaders, who may oppose what's said and/ or done, but are committed to protecting the rights of others, to do so. Trump's focus on name - calling, blaming immigrants, and using images, such as the Wall, often, pit one part of society, against another!

Now, more than ever, America, will be best - served and represented, if our leaders, would focus on positive, can - do, solutions, rather than blaming and complaining! Only then, will we truly, Make Americans Great!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source: We Need Positive Political Leaders

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