We Have Other Options

We Have Other Options

By Daniel Blanchard

Are you struggling? Good! I am too! We all struggle. It's just the way life is. Believe it or not, it's good for us to struggle a little bit. Unfortunately though, some of us struggle too much because no one has ever told us the secrets on how to succeed in life. Basically, we are all born without an operator's manual. Could you imagine having a super computer without an operator's manual? What a waste of potential power, right? Well, that same wasted power and missed opportunities is what is happening to us humans too because we are born without an instructor's manual.

Most of us have not been told the secrets of how to optimize our true super-computer-like capabilities. Nor has anyone invested in us the amount of time necessary to help us truly understand the options we have in this great big world outside of the world we already know.

"What? We have other options?" you say. Yup. And they are different from the ones that we subconsciously reach for every day based upon our past conditioning, training, brain-washing, or whatever else you want to call it. A lot of well-meaning people in our lives have molded us into taking the safe, comfortable and familiar route. Don't blame these good people for the way they raised you, or influenced you. They did what they thought was right to help you be happy and safe.

Psss... guess what? I have a secret for you. They're kind of is an operator's manual out there already. It's not a perfect manual, but overall it is a pretty decent set of instructions and knowledge. You ready for it? Here it is. It's the free public library and the people who we come into contact every day.

Now teens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, there are many other different and helpful options out there that will help you succeed in life. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-winning author, speaker, and educator Dan Blanchard wants you to know that you have options. You can try something different. You can succeed. For more tips from Dan please visit his website at: http://www.DanBlanchard.net. Thanks.

Article Source:  We Have Other Options

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