How To Truly Make America GREAT
In November, 2016, the United States' electorate, voted for, and elected, Donald J. Trump, as President of the United States. Whether one supported or opposed this individual, there is little doubt, he articulated a different type of populist message. While his core supporters are often ardent, in their support, and seem to endorse the key elements of his message, his detractors, appear far less than thrilled! Mr. Trump's campaign slogan was, Make America Great Again, but, even this message, seems to mean, far different things, to different people. Our nation appears to be more divided and polarized, than anytime, in recent memory, and, therefore, this article, will attempt to briefly examine, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, how we might proceed, to truly, make, America GREAT.
1. Generate goodwill; greater good; goals; generosity: Today, perhaps, more than ever, we need someone to focus on generating goodwill, and emphasizing the greater good, rather than pitting one segment of society against another! Wouldn't we all, be better off, if the politicians efforts, focused on quality goals, and a generous spirit, etc?
2. Relevant; reliable; respect; responsive: The part of Trump's slogan, which should be somewhat disturbing, is, by using the word, again, there is an inference, we are no longer great! America needs to seek a relevant leader, who provides steady, reliable leadership and direction, which is responsive to today's needs and priorities. Rather than pitting citizen, against citizen, there should be a greater emphasis on mutual respect, and the common good!
3. Empathetic; emphasis; excellence: Detractors of Mr. Trump, often, focus on his apparent lack of genuine empathy, and, rather, his focus on a personal agenda, and/ or self - interest! Shouldn't our political leaders, place their primary emphasis, on excellence, and service.
4. Attitude; attention; articulate: Our nation needs to transform its attitude, from blaming and complaining, to seeking, positive, can - do, solutions, etc! We would be better served, if our politicians placed their focus and emphasis, on paying attention, to shared priorities, and articulating a message, emphasizing cooperation, rather than polarization!
5. Timely: Regardless of one's political orientation, and/ or preferences, most seem to recognize and agree, there is far too much stagnation, and lack of significant action, and far too much, political manipulation, empty rhetoric and promises, and procrastination! We need better, more effective, meaningful, timely leadership!
Wake Up America, it's time to decide, whether we will let those with personal agendas, and political self - interest, determine, what's best, or if we will tell them, what we want, to ensure America is truly GREAT! Stop making excuses, or being apathetic, and take control of our shared destiny!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:
Article Source: How To Truly Make America GREAT