Critical Thinking: Does A Woman Need To Seek Professional Help If She Believes That All Men Are Bad?

Critical Thinking: Does A Woman Need To Seek Professional Help If She Believes That All Men Are Bad?

By Oliver JR Cooper

In today's world, it appears to be perfectly acceptable for a woman in the public eye to bash men. She can say all kinds of things that will basically amount to men being less-than human and worthless, and absolutely nothing will be done.

Now, that's not to say that both men and women won't complain about this; what it means is that this kind of behaviour is tolerated by the media and the education system, for instance. If a man viewed women in the same way, there is a strong chance that he wouldn't be given a platform.

One Big Illusion

One of the things that a woman like this is likely to come out with is that all women are oppressed and all men are oppressive. Without even thinking critically or looking at the facts, the fact that a handful of women are allowed to portray men in this way and get away with it and the same 'privilege' is not available to men surely proves otherwise.

It could then be said that women have the freedom to express themselves, whilst men don't, at least in the western world. Therefore, woman have the ability to say more of less whatever they want, and there are bound to be thousands of women in other parts of the world who are actually oppressed, who would do anything to be able to speak their mind.

Pampered Children

Consequently, while a woman like this can talk about how bad she and other women have it in the west, perhaps their outlook would soon change if they were to travel around the world. This is then similar to a child who complains that they only have one bar of chocolate, when there are millions of children who have never had a piece of chocolate, let alone a bar.

But due to how old the child is and the fact that their brain is still developing, it could be said that this kind of behaviour is excusable. However, when a grown woman behaves like an entitled child - and she has been given a platform - it is going to be a lot harder for some people to tolerate this kind of behaviour.

An Identity

The trouble is that when a woman has a big platform, and her life revolves around bashing men and talking about how oppressed women are, there is going to be no reason for her to change. There will be the criticism that she receives, of course, but there will also be the attention, approval and the resources that are given to her.

So, in the same way that someone can feel lost when their children leave home or when they retire, for instance, a women like this could really struggle if she was to let go of this identity. Nevertheless, due to how she feels and the thoughts that she has, along with her day-to-day experiences, there is going to be no reason for her to change.

The Truth

The kind of experiences that she has with men and what she sees online will back up what she believes. Her experiences can be seen as a sign that what she believes is the truth, as opposed to the fact that her beliefs are defining what she sees.

She is then nothing more than an observer of her reality and plays no part in how she experiences life. With this is mind, it is going to be perfectly normal for her to try to change the world and to make it a better place for women; her need to save women is just an indirect way for her to try to save herself.

One Focus

Ultimately, her mind (like everyone else's mind) is constantly looking for evidence that supports what she believes, and this will cause her to block out anything that goes against what she believes. Thus, her eyes are only going to allow her to see what her mind wants her to see.

If a woman like this had very little power it wouldn't be a problem, but the fact that a woman like this can often be found in politics and in the media, for instance, means that they have the ability to disseminate their inner poison far and wide. Due to their own lack of boundaries and the ability to own their own issues, they will try to control others.

The Perfect Arena

The political realm is going to be extremely appealing to woman who feels powerless and is unable to control herself. Her lack of inner control results in her need to control what other people can or can't do.

Experiencing a sense of control is then going to come at the expense of other people's freedom. Taking all this into account, the world doesn't need more people who become part of a movement; what it needs is more people who take responsibility for their own issues.


In order for a woman to realise that not all men are the same, it is going to be necessary for her to change what is going on within her. This means that the external world doesn't need to change; the only thing that needs to change is her inner world.

If her vision is blurred, it will be clear to her that she needs to look at her eye and not to clean what is going on externally. But while this is clear, what won't be clear is that trying to change men won't allow her change what is going on within her.

Personal Responsibility

There is the chance that there have been moments in her life that had a big impact on her, and what happened with a few men (or one man) would have been seen as a sign of what all men were like. Perhaps she was abused by her father or another male figure while she was a child.

This would have been extremely traumatising and, while the years will have passed, what took place all those years ago will still define how she perceives men. At this time, she would have been a victim, but now that she is an adult, the roles have reversed and she is trying to victimise all men.


When it comes to working through this pain and trauma, it is unlikely that she will be able to do it by herself. If she could, there would be no reason for her to avoid this pain and to seek indirect revenge by trying to harm all men for what a few men (or one man) did to her as a child.

This is why the assistance of a therapist or healer will probably be needed her. Through working through her own issues, it will allow her to see that while some men are bad, there are others who are not, and this will allow her to open her heart once again.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand six hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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Article Source: Critical Thinking: Does A Woman Need To Seek Professional Help If She Believes That All Men Are Bad?

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