To Whom Is Revelation 17:1 Referring To?

We are told that she sits upon many 'waters', and that means 'seas'. Religion is a sea which spreads over the land and soaks into the ground, which is a metaphor for people. The Catholic Church identifies itself as the 'Holy See', although it's changed the noun from 'sea'. This confirms that the one identified herein is Mary, the chief God of all faiths and the one who has taken the place of the Great Spirit of the Universe, the real God.

To unravel this puzzle, the Spirit showed me many things. It commissioned me to "tear down the wall of blindness and bring back the young." To do it required knowledge of all that has passed, and it was given.

"I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters" (Revelation 17:1)

The term 'whor' comes from 'h-or' and it means 'mountain-sun' or 'mountain of the sun'. To explain that the vision given to me showed a large group gathered on the peak who were staring at the hole in a stone elevated on props. As the sun rose the rays passing through it were dispersed into the magnificent sun-star of many colours.

The people fell to their knees in awe and many kissed the ground where a giant circle had formed. The sight lasted but seconds but it drove the people into a frenzy.

Linguistically the sun-image was called 'ma-r-y' or 'mother's powerful eye'. As 'I-r-I-s' or 'eye of power-eye of light' it gave a name to the hole in the physical eye. Central to the image the right-angled cross was seen. It is on such a symbol that men decided they could 'marry' Mary by dying on crosses and then pass through the hole and rise into the heavens as a god.

The power of this dream propelled all future religions and the marriage of men to the sun-god was so common that the term describing her as one with many mates was given to it.

Mary is described in the same chapter as she with whom kings committed fornication. That is because they must pass through the circle and be married to 'her' in order to be crowned. It is also the reason why women could not ascend the throne.

She is described as the 'mother of harlots' because every religion is derived from this same practice. Their chief God is still Mary, who is promoted as the 'Mother of God', which means 'she' has more power than the Spirit.

The prophecy states that her identity and secret will be shown and now that promise is fulfilled.

Norma Holt was drawn to the research that went back to Babylon to unearth the roots of religion and identity of 666. She proves conclusively that heaven and hell are tricks designed to manipulate people into believing in his Islamic religion.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source:  To Whom Is Revelation 17:1 Referring To?

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