All ready in practically every city across the country there is a Department Of Economic Development. The primary focus of this department is to generate more business growth within their respective city. In doing so more tax revenue would flow into these cities to support the mandated public services that are now required by law. Without business growth as in so many instances today all across the country city budget shortfalls only exasperate an ongoing economic domino effect of financial hardship for all. There are many factors that have to be implemented to secure business growth to increase and expand the tax base within each city all across the country. Without more educational venues offered, accessible reliable public transportation available, affordable decent housing and all the other logistics that make it not only conducive but productive for business development in cities and towns business growth will continue to decline. The tax base will be put on the burden of the home owner which only creates more economic hardships for all.
When The Department Of Commerce and Labor was created back 1903 and subsequently consolidated in 1913 into the Department of Commerce the only time that that agency has managed to spur real economic growth was through the intervention of FDR. The numerous public works projects that FDR implemented facilitated Americas victory in World War II and propelled the United States to it's greatest economic expansion following the War through to the end of the 1960's. What has happened since are a number of policy changes that have undermined the economic and financial opportunities of so many millions of Americans. Consequently, we have inadvertently created the greatest wealth disparity gap in history, lost almost all of our manufacturing capabilities, and reduced the middle class to almost extinction. All this with the fact that our educational levels have plummeted so that the United States isn't even on the radar sort of speaking in global educational standards. In essence our graduates are are not fully prepared for whatever jobs that are available today.
Now, when the economic calamity from 2008 financial crisis hit the fallout is still keeping the United States economy stagnant at best. Just a few years ago the Hostess Corporation closed so many bakeries they laid off over 18,000 employees just in time for the holidays. In Florida of that same year over 2,000 state workers suffered the same fate. Today, the retail industry is dying forcing more people onto the unemployment lines. With Trump in the White House and our Republican led Congress have done actually nothing to spark a rejuvenation in employment numbers. The media still fails to tell the truth about the sad fact that unemployment and underemployment have decimated our nations ability to prosper. This is another reason why there is so much agitation especially within the Black community. In every city and town across the country the African American unemployment rate is more than triple that of what the media is reporting.
The reality has yet to hit home to our elected officials to the true crisis in the country. The lack of opportunity for millions of Americans to be able to earn a living wage is staggering. And, yet too many officials really have turned a blind eye to what is really going on. When we have riots in the streets instead of workers in factories, or behind counters, or in so many other occupations is a tell tale sign that governmental policies for the past 40 years have undermined the American workers ability to prosper. When we have CEO's raking in huge exorbitant salaries and corporate profits at record levels while the rest of us languish with starvation wages or worse yet having to rely on meager unemployment benefits that don't last creates a tempest that is only exasperated by our elected officials failure to implement policies that would propel the United States into brighter and more secure future. What we have today is that our Republican led Governors, members of Congress, as well as our infamous President can't quite grasp what they have done and continue to do by not ushering policies that actually put more Americans back to work with living wages much like what FDR did.
From all indications since the election it is quite apparent that those in Washington still, like so many Republicans, can't grasp the reality facing millions of Americans today. The Department of Commerce has done some semblance of trying to reassemble economic growth but this Administration still does not have a definitive plan of direction both short and long term that would effectively curtail the events like the ones that unfolded when the Hostess Corporation closed it's doors. It is time to restructure the Department of Commerce and re institute an expanded Economic Development Administration so that the Department of Commerce would now become The Department Of Economic Development and incorporate all essential posts that would felicitate economic and financial growth across the country.
Currently there are too many duplications in practically every cabinet post where much needed resources are now being diverted from reaching the areas that need it most. It is quite apparent that steps have to be taken to reform and consolidate especially the current Department of Commerce so that the resources actually will go where they will do the most good. This includes placing the emphasis on Economic Development with a major emphasis on equalizing our trade deficit, investing in infrastructure restoration, securing our energy grid, focus on reducing the unemployment numbers especially in African American communities and establishing living wage standards all across the country. Not just raising the federal minimum wage either.
When most think of our trade deficit many question why China is cornering the market? In practically every shelf in practically every store across the country there are so many items that really are made in China. But, that doesn't show the bigger picture. When in reality it is not all those imports. Sure, they contribute much to our lack of manufacturing jobs but what else is curtailing our economic growth is right here in the United States? Education for one thing.Today's educational levels hare a far cry from what the US had back in the 1950 through the 1960's. The standards in education have made high school graduates not being able to compete for the jobs that are available today. Education of our youth and young adults is vital in turning the tide toward improving the unemployment numbers.
In order to answer why China is gaining economically we have to take a close look at our imports which have for the past 40 years have been far exceeding our exports. Not to mention what NAFTA continues to do in regards to our loss of overall productivity. We have to remember that right after NAFTA was signed in 1993 our job losses were staggering and the effect is still being felt today. Today, our whole economic scenario is almost on the same parallel as the 2008 housing crisis. The pervasive attitude among too many CEO's forget what Henry Ford did so many decades ago. He strengthened the middle class while today's CEO's have only weakened the middle class to the point of almost no return. A recent report shows that wages have continued to stagnate. And adjusted for inflation today's wages have shrunk drastically. The sad fact that today millions that are still working have seen their earning decrease while everything else the cost keep increasing. This retardation of wages all across the country is the sad reality of today. We have to remember that the health and stability of any country lies with the majority of people earning living wages. The more people with enough disposable income to spend, pay down debt, and to save at least 10% annually is the greatest economic boost for any country. In essence the fulfillment of The Williams Theory of Economic Evolution. That is not the case today of what is happening in America.
What the Department of Economic Development has to do is address our trade agreements and reinforce not on free trade but equal trade along with putting higher tariffs on goods coming in from China, Mexico, Canada and even Germany to name a few. This along with coordinating with other cabinet departments on a unified plan of Direction using National Economic Reform as the guide to implement changes, concepts, and policies that will in fact create the environment that is conducive for more business growth. This along with creating economic opportunities that should be available to every single American. Another sad reality of today is the fact thousands of Americans have already left the country for other countries just because the economic opportunities are more plentiful outside the United States. When people find financial and economic roadblocks right here in America where the land of opportunity has shut it's doors in so many faces is a travesty that has to be immediately rectified.
The job at hand for the Department Of Economic Development is to expand the tax base all across the country. Work with all other agencies and Departments primarily the Department of Education to retool our educational standards to equip our youth and young adults with the knowledge and the tools necessary so that they can become employable in the jobs of the 21st century. This Department is mandated to rebuild our infrastructure, roads, bridges, schools, and other buildings that poise a threat to the safety of all. To work with the Department of Energy to update our energy grid to the highest standards necessary so that no amount of catastrophe will render the United States defenseless by being without energy sources to power our country. This department is mandated to work with the EPA to improve water and air qualities so that every community is furnished with enough clean fresh water so that another episode of what happened and is happening in Flint Michigan will never happen again any where in the United States. The jobs are enormous but to ignore the realities facing our country today put the United States and the rest of the world in jeopardy. These are the purposes and goals of the United States Department of Economic Development.
By Dr. Tim G Williams
Article Source: National Economic Reform's: Department Of Economic Development