We Can't Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone

Why is helping others important? We cannot help all but definitely, we can help someone one way or another. For some, helping others is their obligation. For others, helping others is the last thing on their minds. There are plenty of ways to help. You are a person who is taking time out of your life for them. You are doing it because you want to, not because it's your job and you have to. That alone makes a huge difference to many.

The ability to read and write is one. Skill in social situations is another. These are places where we can help as well. But not everyone has the time. They can help as well. Food for the hungry costs money. Shelter for the homeless and displaced costs money. Books for learning to read cost money.

It's about how we see ourselves, and how we live our lives. We can all do something to help others. It might not be every day. It might not even be every week or month. But we can help. Because in helping others, we also help ourselves. What can you do to help?

It's true that you can't help everyone in the world. However, you can help at least one person. Don't ever give up on being a good person. Pick and choose where you spend your time being generous. This isn't selfish; this is prudent. Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

We help others because when you give help to someone in need, you facilitate strong encouragement. It conveys a sense of "faith" and an "I believe in you" spirit which alone can act as a tremendous source of renewal for someone who is hurting Because helping people in need sets an example for your children, family, and friends.

Because helping others and charitable giving has a profound rippling effect. This is usually a subconscious choice. Once we realize we are involved with someone who makes us feel just as bad as our parent did, however, we feel angry and resentful and try to get our partner to change and love us the way we always wanted to be loved. It becomes painful being with this person because you are constantly reminded of the pain you suffered in the past while your efforts to get your needs for love and respect are continually thwarted.

The key to avoiding this kind of struggle is to become aware of the kind of person you tend to be attracted to based on your own past and to recognize that you cannot change that person. People can only change themselves and only if they want to. And if you don't want a relationship that is similar to a painful relationship from your past, you need to ensure that your current relationship is about mutual love and respect, not struggle.

If your goal is to live happily with a loving partner, you need to focus on the moment, on what's happening today, on what kind of person you're with now in order for that goal to be realized. And the future is created by what you do now.

Even if we want to help but the practical thing to do is for the person to stop being lazy and get it himself. Why help someone when you can help yourself?

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: We Can't Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone

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