Vision Or Perception

At the end of one of my favorite films, "Lonesome Dove," a newspaper reporter found Captain Woodrow F. Call in the small Texas town by the Rio Grande River, and he said, "They say that you are a man of vision." After he heard it said of him, Call's life as a Texas Ranger, cattle and horse boss, first man to create a cattle ranch in Montana, and his struggles with personal relationships all flashed before his eyes. He had considered himself to simply be a man who said what he meant and did what he said. But, at the end of the film, he agreed with the reporter, that he was a man of vision.

So, if Call was a visionary, he saw his future in a vision, he imagined it, or some wisdom came to him. In his case, he had run his course as a Texas Ranger, and he got the vision to drive Texas and Mexican cattle to Montana after a former ranger rode in and described Montana as having the greenest grass that he had ever seen. From that beginning, the rest of us watched the panoramic film of a legendary cattle drive to the north. It appeared that Call did what he always had done. He simply would not fall short of the goal that he had set, nor would he allow anyone who rode with him to change his mind.

I do not believe that Call was a man of vision. To me, he seems to have been a man of perception. A person who perceives, uses one, more than one, or every sense in his body to see, hear, or become aware of something. Said another way, when a former ranger described Montana grasslands to Call, he interpreted the description that he heard. The former ranger had been his colleague and friend for many years of chasing bandits north of the Rio Grande. He trusted the other ranger. Of course, in the film, he later hanged the man. Still, I believe Call formed a mental impression of Montana after he interpreted a verbal description of the place.

What is a prophet? A Christian prophet was a man who publicly declared a message that he claimed to have received from God. Web search Christian Biblical scripture in the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah to learn more about prophets. By the way, Christians believe that those, and some others prophets of early Biblical times were the last prophets. Prophets told of Jesus' coming. Jesus did come to Earth to accomplish God's purpose. So, no more prophets were needed. Many people have interpreted the lack of prophets to mean that God does not care for mankind anymore, or that he is actually dead. This is not true. What Jesus taught, and all of it is in the Bible, is as true today as when he taught it over 2,000 years ago. All we have to do is read it, believe it, and perceive what it means to us.

What is an apostle? An apostle is one who is sent on a mission to teach or to preach. The first Christian apostles were the surviving eleven of the original twelve disciples of Jesus. As disciples, they had followed Jesus, who taught them. After Jesus was sacrificed to bear the sin of mankind, arose to defeat death, and after he had ascended to heaven to show us the way, those surviving apostles received wisdom from Jesus. He physically returned to them to show them that what had happened to him was true. Their senses perceived this, and Jesus, the son of God, told them their mission was to tell all people about it. Thus, the apostles also became visionaries.

"Sharon Ann,"

Tony is a writer, an author of several published novels, and an independent publisher. In September 2012, he wrote and published the first of a three-book drama series, "A Voice from New Mill Creek: The Methodists," as an e-book. In April, 2013, he released his second e-book and first romance novel, "Goodnight Paige." In July, 2013, Tony released a guidebook titled "How Tony Wrote and Published Two Novels." In May 2014, he published "The Star of India, "the second novel in the Voice From New Mill Creek drama series.

 By Tony A Grayson

Article Source: Vision Or Perception


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