The Life That Works

Be calm. Be calm and not shocked about anything, and you will handle it better. I know of whence I write about. For, reality for even the most "lucky" of us has its troublesome moments that cause at least a little bit of worry when not dealt with calmly and effectively.

I know, I start with two words that escape most people in an emergency, but it is the best advice I can give. Especially when it comes to dealing with the expected and unexpected troubles, especially the unexpected troubles, which is what this article is mostly about. Thinking about my life, it has been an obstacle course, but I take full responsibility for creating that course past, present and future so that I can grow well. That is the secret to my calmness, my own personal responsibility to myself to do my best to be calm, whatever the "shocking circumstance".

Thinking about shocking circumstances, I can only give these tips though, and the first three tips I have could be the best:

Be calm, even if the world seems to be falling apart at the seams. For there is always tomorrow in existence, as existence exists however it may turn.

Time is the great healer. Nothing is impossible with the passage of time, really. Look at The Bible of Nature or existence itself through the ages how it goes on with or without us objectively.

There are always possibilities. However we may look at things, there are always possibilities in the most objective of realities, like airplane flight was "impossible" before the early twentieth century and many things were "impossible to do", there is always a reasonable reality that can accommodate the "impossible to deal with".

In reality, the "impossible" is something we can deal with, but within the bounds of finding a reasonable way to deal with it.

Possibility thinking and working with yourself until you achieve what you genuinely want is a natural way to deal with things anyway. Where there is a will, there is ultimately a way.

Sure, I could do more tips, but the fifth tip is really as good as it gets from me, because when the "impossible" is ultimately actualized, it is a natural and valuable fact like the telephone and the light bulb. Think about it and then understand that possibility is reality, and impossibility is the genuine fantasy.

"In every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater opportunity."

Napoleon Hill

Think about that reality for a moment. I will not say that it is a fact because we have to admit that reality in first for it to be a fact and then act on it rationally for it to be a fact. But, when it is a fact in our consciousness, it is a potent fact. After all, why do you think there are great monuments to those who genuinely overcome adversity? Why do you think the real winners are those who "beat the odds from scratch"?

Only you or I can answer those questions definitively for ourselves. There are not any answers in this article, just advice on how to deal with it all. Only you (or I) can make it work as an answer within existence.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

 By Joshua Clayton

Article Source: The Life That Works

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