My situation is unique because firstly memory of my reincarnation gave me a purpose in life and secondly the knowledge that we are here only for a short time made a difference to how I live it. Whatever we do in life determines what happens to us spiritually after death. Hoarding money and making ourselves rich in monetary gains opposes our spirituality and deprives us of the universal voice that speaks soft and gentle within.
As an Australian in a country where fortunes are easily made and many opportunities for wealth creation crossed my path many cannot understand my attitude. What they don't realise is that I have wealth beyond whatever life provides. It comes in the form of a strong connection to the Spirit of the Universe and the benefits of it providing for my needs.
Instead of insurance the Spirit protects me and whatever and whoever is associated. My home is one of peace but I don't own it. Instead it is a government house provided when the Great Creator asked me to leave my job and work only for it. It is mine for life and it is maintained and suits my purpose to the ground.
This was not unexpected as a vision was shown to me between lives that this would happen at the age of 45. That is exactly when commissions were received to tell the world that the religions are wrong and they have buried the real treasure.
My purpose in telling this story is to let others know that God is on the side of those who listen to the voice within and who seeks spiritual guidance. There are thousands who live without working for others or slaving to make themselves wealthy.
As some brag about their property or other investments and how much they are worth their minds are tuned into what the world tells them. They are so busy counting their man-made benefits that they are lost spirituality and there is no way back.
The World Order is based on a premise introduced by Constantine, the Roman Caesar, who established the Catholic Church (the beginning of Christianity) in the year 325. He is identified as 666 in Revelation 13:12-18 and elsewhere in the Old Testament.
So what does that matter when everything seems to be in order? The facts are that nothing is in order but absolute chaos as we face annihilation and ultimately extinction of the human race. What people should ask is what is the purpose of life? That is answered when the Spirit reaches its own and informs them, as it is doing today to millions globally.
Those with a strong spiritual link instinctively know that money is not a solution to problems but a creator of them. Peace is not something man can control because of the hate and violence the systems impose. They also know we are in the last days and time is running out.
All governments are part of the World Order and the establishment set in place by the one with the number 666. His work and legacy is an eye opener and the reason behind it is set out and included in the plan of God to bring the earth as we know it to an end.
By Norma Holt
Article Source: Invest in Your Spirituality Rather Than in Goods
As an Australian in a country where fortunes are easily made and many opportunities for wealth creation crossed my path many cannot understand my attitude. What they don't realise is that I have wealth beyond whatever life provides. It comes in the form of a strong connection to the Spirit of the Universe and the benefits of it providing for my needs.
Instead of insurance the Spirit protects me and whatever and whoever is associated. My home is one of peace but I don't own it. Instead it is a government house provided when the Great Creator asked me to leave my job and work only for it. It is mine for life and it is maintained and suits my purpose to the ground.
This was not unexpected as a vision was shown to me between lives that this would happen at the age of 45. That is exactly when commissions were received to tell the world that the religions are wrong and they have buried the real treasure.
My purpose in telling this story is to let others know that God is on the side of those who listen to the voice within and who seeks spiritual guidance. There are thousands who live without working for others or slaving to make themselves wealthy.
As some brag about their property or other investments and how much they are worth their minds are tuned into what the world tells them. They are so busy counting their man-made benefits that they are lost spirituality and there is no way back.
The World Order is based on a premise introduced by Constantine, the Roman Caesar, who established the Catholic Church (the beginning of Christianity) in the year 325. He is identified as 666 in Revelation 13:12-18 and elsewhere in the Old Testament.
So what does that matter when everything seems to be in order? The facts are that nothing is in order but absolute chaos as we face annihilation and ultimately extinction of the human race. What people should ask is what is the purpose of life? That is answered when the Spirit reaches its own and informs them, as it is doing today to millions globally.
Those with a strong spiritual link instinctively know that money is not a solution to problems but a creator of them. Peace is not something man can control because of the hate and violence the systems impose. They also know we are in the last days and time is running out.
All governments are part of the World Order and the establishment set in place by the one with the number 666. His work and legacy is an eye opener and the reason behind it is set out and included in the plan of God to bring the earth as we know it to an end.
By Norma Holt
Article Source: Invest in Your Spirituality Rather Than in Goods