If Opportunity Doesn't Knock, Make A Door

Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared. Whatever you do, do it with purpose. Being focused is not something to be ashamed of. It is something to be proud of. Opportunities will seek you. Happiness will chase you. Find opportunities in any circumstance.

Never become a victim. They just get tired out by knocking and then they leave. Opportunity is always coming but never knocks on the door. You have to get up and meet it. Opportunity knocks only once. You 'll never know if you'll get another opportunity. Too often, the opportunity knocks, but by the time you push back the chain, it's too late.

However, it is not true. Opportunity never knocks. It is actually within you. An unaspiring person always complains. There is no end to his complaints.

Some people are entrepreneurs who create and build businesses. Some people are infopreneurs who produce and traffic news and information. People like me seek purpose and want to create change. Sometimes opportunity may knock twice if you are lucky. It is really stressful to say no to any opportunity, whether it is as overtly concrete as a job offer to something more amorphous.

It's never too late to think about and explore options that may make you really happy and excited to come into work every day. electing opportunities doesn't have to be as rigorous a process as science itself, but it should involve proper planning, self-assessment, and awareness of available and needed resources, like money or time. Opportunities on your own campus can also deliver great ROI.

Often people don't take advantage of or understand that there's a wealth of information at your university, and people really do want to see you succeed. Don't let school get in the way of your education. You are responsible for gaining those skills.

Be bold. If you want something, say it and go after it. If you don't communicate your goals and your desired skill set, your advisor will never know and you both will suffer from this lack of communication, Demonstrate that it's win-win.

One opportunity that affords you the chance to build your "brand," or promise of value, in this regard is to volunteer to be a technical reviewer for conference papers or a journal. "If you do this type of professional activity, you can very quickly become recognized as an expert. But be strategic about your networking endeavors in particular. Prioritize your networking actions by looking for (1) leaders who are most directly related to your area of expertise, (2) institutions that have the best fit for the careers you want to pursue, or (3) support groups that will give you the help you need to succeed.

You're going to be down at some point and you're going to be ecstatic at some point, and that's the human nature. No one's going to pat you on the back. No one's going to tell you you're doing a good job. You have to figure it out yourself.

People oftentimes acknowledged their ability to leverage opportunities that are presented to them. They create opportunities out of ordinary events. Meaning, they not only open the door when someone is knocking, they do the knocking themselves.

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: If Opportunity Doesn't Knock, Make A Door

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