I tend to not get into the subject of religion period. It is a "no no" in Human Relations teachings.
And yes it is a good rule of thumb... If you don't want to offend other people, but as I get older and write more I am getting a lot less concerned about what may or may not offend people. I am now on a path of sharing great ideas and encouraging others to learn and grow. The more I do so, the more I am convinced that it is what I was meant to do.
I know that most Americans may not care one way or another.
That is not what this article is about. It is about reaching for the vision, the goal of the "being" who you wish to "be". About creating the life you wish to live.
And no it is not something that is superficial, it is knowing that whatever the goal is you set for yourself will require you to personally "be"come a new you.
~ A new creation.
~ It requires you to personally grow.
~ It requires you learn some new skills.
And that is the greatest benefit you will receive from reaching for these lofty goals.
I have read and studied these subjects for years...
Nearly all my life.
As I get older I am beginning to feel the pressure to accomplish something in this lifetime, yet I do not believe it is a necessity that I accomplish all that I have been wanting to achieve. Especially with the way our world has become. Yet I still have this feeling that I was meant to do something...
The more I share on social media... the more I write... the more I read... study... and witness life from my limited vantage point, I am getting a clear picture of what I should be doing.
That is the MAIN GOAL of all people.
The search for meaning?
The search for your destiny?
Or maybe it is beyond that!
Maybe you are here to CREATE MEANING...
Maybe you are here to CREATE YOUR DESTINY...
And all that you encounter along the way will hone your skill, force you to grow in understanding and bring you closer to that "state of being" one with god...
Food for thought, growth and life.
Dion Morison
Find that YouTube video here:
I am excited to share these ideas and I have recently teamed up with the great Bob Proctor. His training on paradigms has begun to revolutionize my life even as i continue to hold onto my old paradigms. http://paradigmshiftseminar.com/?hop=djmorr
By Dion Morrison
Article Source: How to Become a God-Man?